Dumb questions with Chia

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[BTW YA'LL I wanna add more "character" to the way Chia talks, so I will change her talking style from now on.]

Chia: Clariioo, why are your eyes like that?

Clario: What?

Chia: Your eyes, like, it's black instead of white

Clario: My family has them

Chia: Is it because of your secret identity


Clario: Cherry were you reading those sci-fi books?

Chia: listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. They might be onto something though

Clario: I'm going to tell coach to train you more


Clario: that's what makes it worse

During Chia's soccer training she has an extra mental task, riddles and quizzes about human life and not the alien life.


Chia: Is it in Spain's genes to have weird eyes?

Bergamo: what the fuck Cherry

Clario: (not this again)

Chia: like, all of our eyes are unique and pretty oh and there's Alfonso

Alfonso: ???



Alfonso: *eyes droops slightly*

Everyone: *panik*


[Chia is texting and google translate says it in Japanese, so really it's google translate who's speaking]

Chia: why are you such an edge lord

Haizaki: huh? Waddya say? *attempts to look intimidating with all of Chia's shopping bags on him*

Chia: man did you like, go through a tragic backstory or something?

Haizaki: ...

Chia: I mean like, you kinda those villain looking villains but really you're a softy. You really need an angel

Haizaki: *confused*

Chia: *breathes in deeply, getting ready to release her inner chatterbox"

Chia: like, in read this book once where the villain was the main character and people misunderstood him a lot so of course he's going to be sad and depressed and all but then a child was crying and went up to him and he was like "what's a kid doing here?" and so he can't deal with children and went away but the LITTLE BABY was annoying so the child pestered him and the villain went to follow the kid cause OF COURSE WHO COULDN'T REFUSE A CUTE CHILD? So he was like "why not?" and so he went and realised that there were a bunch of children, homeless! Like, who was that heartless bastard...

[a few hours later, when Haizaki walks with Chia to her house]

[and no, Chia's thumbs are not sore from texting because she does this daily when gossiping to her friends in Spain]

Chia: ... And then boom! The villain now became a father and raise little versions of him to terrorize the world. Like sure there are more villains wondering around the world and like, they're mean and all but at least they'll gossip to each other about what they did and paint each other's nails while talking about their latest crime. It's such a cute book! Like I love the found family so much and its literally giving me all the seratonin I need.

Haizaki: *pretty much deaf*

Chia: *takes the shopping bags*

Chia: ok byeeeeeee

Chia: *shuts the door*

Haizaki: *wondering what happened*


Chia: so are you, like, a swimmer?

Kidou: excuse me?

Chia: I mean, you wear goggles everyday

Kidou: no I'm not, these are sports goggles

Chia: yeah, sports, which is swimming

Kidou: you saw me play soccer 2 days ago

Chia: you could be talented with different sports for all I know

Kidou: I- lets just continue with the tutoring

*Kidou immediately went back to teaching Chia how to speak Japanese.

Chia was disappointed how the conversation ended fast.*

[HIATUS] Cherry on the field | Inazuma ElevenWhere stories live. Discover now