Chapter 1

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Dragon was staring at the ocean with his stoic face. His mind wandered to the events which occurred recently. The cruelty the World Government was showing felt never-ending. This was why he left the organization. Injustice wasn't something he would ever tolerate. He wants to stop the World Government. He wants to liberate the people.

He had talked to his father, Monkey D. Garp, countless times. He had screamed at him so that the old man knew what was happening, even if he knew some. But the only thing he got in reply was, 'It's my duty that I'll choose and the justice of my will that I will follow.'

He knew that Garp was not responsible for the events that occurred in Ohara, Flevance, Baterilla, and many such places. But he couldn't forgive those who knew the truth but chose to be silent, chose to turn a blind eye towards it. He hated people like that! But he always felt that his father knew something which he didn't. It always unsettled him.

The last time he had met Roger, he had offered him protection, he had known about his incurable disease. He knew about the man's quench for adventure. He knew his love for the sea. But the man said something which left him thinking about how much he knew.

'I'm not the one who will change the world. Someone will come soon, who will shake the world to its core and unravel the truth for the world to see.'

Roger had laughed it off when Dragon had asked about the Void Century, saying that the chosen one will have all the answers to his questions. Dragon refused to ask any questions further. But regretted when he heard what happened in Baterilla. He would have loved to save the unborn child from the wrath of the Navy. But all he could do was regret and feel sad when the news of women and infants getting slaughtered reached him.

He looked over to the vast stretch of the ocean in front of him. The wind howled, the full moon purely white, the sea which had been calm a few moments ago, but now felt like it was dancing as if celebrating about something. He doesn't know what he felt that moment but he declared the heavy thoughts of his heart and the burdens which he felt on his shoulder for the howling winds to listen. He shouted his fury over the World Government, with each word the wind and the waves rampaging as if agreeing to his every word. He made his vow to end the tyranny of the World Government for the mother nature to hear.

But the next thing he knew was a huge wave engulfing him and his right-hand bleeding. Drops of blood from his arm were falling into the ocean, some on the railing and some on the deck near his leg. Before he could take a look at his wound, he heard the sounds of drums and the waves coming back to him to engulf him once again.

On instinct, Dragon stepped back as the waves licked the blood from the railing and the deck, leaving a baby, who was sleeping with a smile on his face. The sounds of drums were getting louder and louder with the soft melody that the winds were playing. Calm waves were dancing in the ocean and in the middle of this he saw the baby opening his eyes slowly and staring at him.

Dragon's breath was caught in his throat as he saw the baby stare directly into his eyes. It felt as if he knew, as if he was seeing through his soul.

It was a joke! It was a joke to think that the 'World's Most Wanted Criminal' was scared of a little baby, which looked too adorable! Dragon gulped when he saw the baby suddenly smile, his smile reaching his eyes, which was impossible! He would have called it creepy but the adorable squishy face had no such thing.

Dragon didn't know when he moved, when he held the baby in his arms and when a smile on his own face came up. The smile on the baby's face was damn too infectious! It was as if he was enchanted by the baby completely.

He already felt that he wanted to take care of the baby, take him under his wing and protect him from the terrible and cruel world. Dragon felt a shiver run through him when a cool, freezing wind blew past him and the baby, ruffling the baby's hair in the process as if it was kissing and giving it's blessings to the infant.

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