Chapter 8

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The door to the bar was kicked open as the bandit leader made his way to the counter to order for drinks for him and his men. The loud noises made Luffy peek up from the place he was scribbling to look at the bandit. He disliked the man to his very core.

Luffy was not going to listen to them, but soon their noises were becoming unbearable when they started teasing Shanks and his crew whose asses they had supposedly kicked without even touching them.

"Apologize now!" Luffy growled, seething in anger after hearing the bandit leader calling Shanks unpleasant names.

The bar erupted howled in laughter at the declaration from Luffy and the bandit leader, Higuma, menacingly got up from his seat.

"What did you say runt?" Higuma asked, even if he was not willing to give the brat any chance to speak.

"Please! He is just a kid!" Makino pleaded as she understood the situation very well. Luffy was in danger and that was all that was needed to make her beg for the life of the kid.

"Apologize to Shanks this instant, you jerk!" Luffy roared as he glared at Higuma with angry fierce eyes.

"You speak a lot for being a little jerk!" Higuma taunted Luffy as he grabbed the collars of the six year old child, lifting him from the very seat where he was sitting.

"I told you to apologize," Luffy hissed as his eyes glared daggers at the man who punched him square on his face.

"And what if I don't?" Higuma asked as he started leaving the bar, ignoring the pleas of the barmaid who ran after him. Ah, he will deal with the woman later, after he picks the eyes of the kid who was glaring at him. The eyes which were looking at him were giving him a strange feeling. They were making his heart and mind want to run an hide from the kid who was eating dirt of his shoes as he stomped on him mercilessly.

Higuma wasn't going to cower before a kid! The bar maid's pleas were only fueling his anger as he pinned the screaming boy to the ground.

"I told you to fucking apologize!" Luffy screamed as he got thrown by the bandit leader to the ground.

Sounds of bodies hitting the ground were heard, as Higuma seethed in anger at the sight of most of his men collapsing on the floor. He didn't know what was happening, but one thing was clear, it was that cursed boy who was doing all of it.

"You cursed boy! What the hell did you do?!" Higuma shouted as he caught the punch of the boy and lifted him in the air, dangling until the limb which he was holding stretched making the boy fall on the ground.

"Dammit!" The boy cursed as he tried to kick him.

"I should sell you in the slave market. At least that would fetch me enough money for the nuisance which created!" Higuma shouted at the face of the boy.

"Apologize to Shanks!" Luffy hissed, not even bothered by the comment of being sold off. He just wanted the bastard to apologize.

"I was wondering why there were no people on the docks today," Shanks spoke, arriving at the premises and soon got a gun pointed to his forehead.

That was when Shanks entered the premises and got a gun pointed to his head.

"Shanks!" Luffy called out, hanging helplessly at the hands of the bandit leader.

"Pistols aren't for threat, they are for actions. Are you ready to risk your life?" Shanks asked as he looked straight at the bandit, without an ounce of fear coming from his body.

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