Chapter 16

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Dragon showed the brothers their own room. The room had a window from which the wind can easily enter. The room had a big king-sized bed, which could easily take in the brothers. First he had thought about separate beds, but he was reminded quickly that the boys wouldn't want it. In the corner were three desks, stuck to each other and shelves, where several books lay neatly. Some navigation, color books, books about the grand line, etc. The brother's eyes widened with excitement as they jumped onto the soft bed.

It was Ace's first time to sit on an actual bed. It was so soft, that Ace was already feeling sleepy. Sabo felt himself smile after getting an actual bed after five years while Luffy bounced on the soft fluffy bed.

"Thank you!" Sabo and Ace together said, making Luffy repeat it too.

Dragon chuckled and observed the kids. He saw them look at the room with eyes filled with awe and wonder. But he had other things to do too. He sat on the bedside and looked at the boys.

"You guys need to have code names," Dragon spoke, making the boys turn toward him in confusion. "If you want to go for missions." That got nods from the brothers and an 'adventure' from Luffy.

Dragon looked at the brothers, "Any idea, what you want to choose?"

"Cyane," Sabo spoke with a shrug. Ace raised an eyebrow at that and Luffy's smile widened. Dragon smiled.

"Cool Hat~!!!" Luffy spoke with a giggle, causing Dragon to stiffen a chuckle with his sons.

"That's lame, Lu!" Ace pointed out while Luffy pouted at that.

"Strawhat?" Ace shook his head again.

Luffy's hand went to his chin, thinking hard about what he should name himself, "Red? Lucy?"

"Nope!" Ace spoke again.

Luffy went into deep thought, "Nika?" His mouth slipped on its own, causing him to grin sheepishly. Sabo saw this and quickly changed the topic. Luckily, Luffy has spoken in a very low tone, though he wasn't required to hide it from his own Dad. But walls do have ears.

"How about Cyra, Lu?" Sabo asked with a smile. Luffy beamed at that nodding and Ace gave a thumbs up. Dragon who noticed the change, raised an eyebrow but didn't ask anything.

Now only Ace was left. What should he name himself? His brothers all have their names starting with the letter 'C', he will also have one with 'C' then!

"Cole!" Ace spoke lastly.

"Nice names, we can have your group's name as 3C's." Dragon snickered jokingly, which got twinkling eyes from Luffy.

"Don't forget to call each other that, unless you want to reveal your identities to someone," Dragon said and left the room. Only he, Ivankov, and Kuma should know about the real names of the boys and no one until the time comes.


They were introduced to Kuma, Hack, and Koala, with whom they made friends easily. When Kuma saw the three boys fight like monsters, he took his words back. They could really pack a good punch. Their teamwork was excellent. It looked as if they knew what the other brother will do, without even seeing.

Dragon was training them personally and he could see their developments. All those three little monsters had Conqueror's king. They learned Haki with little effort while the smallest one, Luffy had an affinity to Haki as if he was born with it and it was confirmed when they were taught about Conqueror's haki when Sabo and Ace told them how many times Luffy had used it. They looked like the exact definition of force of nature. When those three ganged on someone, that person would have to regret it and the watchers would feel pity for the person. The Dragon Claw attack which he taught the three, was already breaking stones. He was impressed by their strengths. But he would pity the people who didn't hear his advice on challenging the monsters, and took them as a joke. Those guys would always receive a broken bone in present.

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