Chapter 4

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After their conversations, Luffy was about to be handed to Garp. Luffy was crying, he didn't want to leave Dragon and Iva. He was crying 'Papa' and 'Iva', making the respective individuals cry at the very sight. But Dragon steeled himself. It was for Luffy. To protect him. The screams of the boy could be even heard above the lightning of the storm, which had summoned itself once again.

Dragon knew Luffy's desperate cries and his teary face would always haunt his mornings. He would always feel empty without his sun. But his sun needed protection right now, which he couldn't provide. He couldn't risk Luffy getting caught in the hands of the World Government.

"Wil- Will I se- e... Papa and Iva" Luffy asked through his sobbing. Dragon feels his heartbreak into million pieces. He was really thinking about what good deeds he had done to get such an adorable kid.

"Yes. We will. I promise, sunshine." Dragon said as he cradled the kid tenderly. He slid a silver-colored chain, which had a red prism hanging from it, into Luffy's neck. He opened it to show Luffy his, Iva's, and Luffy's picture. A last souvenir for him to remember his days with them. Luffy looked at the picture and started crying again.

"Keep it to yourself," Dragon said, "Do not show it to anyone, okay?" Dragon spoke softly, making Luffy stiffen that upper lip of his and nod his head.

He knew he was risking a lot, but his son deserved to remember his Dad and Iva. He deserved to have the pleasure of seeing the picture when he missed him. So, he had made careful arrangements for it by making sure that no one would ever suspect a picture inside the pendant if they didn't know what they were looking for in the first place.

Ivankov gave Luffy one last hug before Dragon nodded hesitantly and took heavy steps toward his Dad. He gave the wailing boy to his Dad, placing stones on his heart. He kissed the boy on his forehead, Luffy sniffled trying to stop himself from crying that moment. But when he detached from the boy, the wailing started soon enough.

He couldn't risk his son. He heard the desperate wailing, cries and screams for him. He felt helpless. He ran his way to his cabin locking himself, crying out his eyes from the detachment of his dear son. He knew he had to strengthen himself for the upcoming days without his little sunshine but it was making his heart crack.

He promised himself though his tears that he would make a world, where no one had to feel this again. He would protect Luffy in his own way. He would protect him always. And they will meet once again. He will keep his promise, he will visit Luffy, after all he can't just go and abandon in his kid forever. He can't just go and leave his sunshine alone. Otherwise he will get lonely. He has to make sure that his sunshine is treated properly. So, he will visit him when there will be time, hiding from the government.

But before that, he had to put the government bastards in their rightful places. They were growing too much feathers by flying to the countries and ruling them against their wishes. He had to put them down for good.

He and Ivankov returned to the Army after a week. If anyone noticed how stressed they were, or how sad they were, they didn't question them. Dragon jumped into his job with fervor with a want to destroy the institution that made him give up his son for a better life. He would do his best and overthrow the World Government one day.

He had never been fond of clicking photos with his son, but in the last few days he had clicked some. To remember him. He ran his hands through the wide smile, reminding him what he gave up and what he had to do to achieve his goal. The World Government will regret it. It will crumble under the heat of the fire. The fire of the World itself.


It was evening, and the poor babe had already fallen asleep. The toddler kept on crying for his Dad throughout the journey, which made Garp constantly trying to keep him busy. He gave him some of the toys which Dragon had packed for the kid, but he kept on throwing it all over, only demanding for his Dad. Some even fell in the waters, but due to the waves they were thrown back to the small dinghy.

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