Chapter 24

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A few hours before the war starts...

Raku, a member of the twelfth division of the Whitebeard pirates, was pissed off. How dare someone like the small rookie crew have the gall to challenge his Pops. It was not acceptable to him.

He wanted to see the utter defeat of the pirate crew and maybe when Pops would say that they were really not suitable for joining The Whitebeard Pirate he could keep that as a memory in his mind. So, after talking to his commander, who was feeling similar rage as him, they set up a den den mushi recorder at the crow's nest to perfectly record the battle.

If the crews join them, they could be teased with that or if not, they could laugh their asses at the reckless rookies who were crushed under Pops and would remember the lesson just fine.

Back in the present...

"Cyra!" Ace and Cyane shouted the moment the limp, exhausted body of Luffy fell in their arms. Their little brother was unconscious and by the looks of the weather, and the waves, it was a very very bad thing.

"Ace, go," Cyane said when Ace carefully settled Luffy in his arms. "I'll take care of things here." Ace nodded at once and gave a run, to the other seashore, where people won't be able to see them. He ignored the stunned, worried expression of the remaining Whitebeards who were standing.

The sea was violent. The waves were huge and powerful, crashing against the shore or the rocks with a deafening noise. The dark murky water was asking for its son. The sky was pitch black. It was momentarily glowing with the sparks of lightning which cackled in the dark sky.

"I'm sorry," Ace said once he reached a safe shore finally. He crouched down to let the boy be touched by the waves, which soon engulfed him whole.


The violent waves were gone. The dark clouds were moving off the sight, giving way to a clear sky. Marco didn't know what caused the things which had happened, but one thing he was sure of now, the kid was far too dangerous, if Oyaji had stopped fighting and was still looking at the place where Ace had taken the kid.

Cyane sighed, catching his attention from the now calm waves and sky.

"It's a truce then?" He asked confirming Cyra's words. 

Whitebeard was not going to get the wrath of whatever entity Cyra was. He doesn't want to endanger his family. So, the only thing he could do was call a truce.

"Yeah," He said, before turning from the fight. The brats did give him a good fight. He wishes that they come sometimes to spar with him. He won't mind that at all. He looked at Marco, who was deep in his thinking. Probably thinking what the heck Cyra even is?

"Marco," He said snapping the blonde's attention. "Tend to the wounded. The war is over."

Cyane took that as a sign to leave. He needed to wake the Spades up and see if they were injured. Well, he should wake Deuce first. With that, Cyane ran to the shore where Deuce was. It took him a while to make him get up, but it worked.

"What happened?" Deuce hissed holding his head as a pain shot through his forehead. It felt like he had drunk gallons of alcohol in a go.

"War is over. We have called a truce," Cyane informed the Spade's doctor and the first mate. "We need to look after the injured and if everyone is going to wake up with that headache, then we need to make some medicine for that."

"Banshee knows to make hangover medicines," Deuce supplied, making Cyane nod and move toward the woman. After a few minutes, the woman woke up and was supplied with the task.

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