Chapter 13

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"Who gave you permission to run, you filthy brats?!!" Bluejam sneered. Luffy and Ace gritted their teeth. They tried to escape, but the pirates surrounded them. The fire surrounded them, with the howling wind, which was making the fire lick them painfully. Their best option was to escape Bluejam, right now. But how was the question.

Bluejam was about to ask about the brat's treasure when his eyes caught the flicker of a shiny thing. He squinted his eyes and they landed on the chain smallest the brat wore. His eyes sparkled at the straw hat boy, who was wearing a silver-colored chain with a deep red colored pearl. Bluejam's eyes widened at that.

'How the hell this kid got hold of such a pretty jewel? It should be mine.' Bluejam thought. It was one of the prettiest jewels he had ever seen. After all, he was a pirate, and looting treasure was what he loved, even at the cost of his own life. These jewels cannot belong to East Blue. They can only belong to the Grand line. Who were these kids? He could bet that even the King of Goa, would not have such jewels within his grasp.

"Where do you brats got that precious jewel?" Bluejam licked his lips greedily. It was hanging outside of Luffy's t-shirt, due to running and thrashing.

Ace hated how the pirate's greedy eyes lurked on his brother's treasure. He hated how they were so close to them. The fire was increasing and the assholes cared about treasures in their last moments. He hated it.

"Such extravagant jewel can be found in Grand Line only," Bluejam's eyes darkened at the kids.

"Who are you?" Bluejam uttered the word.

"Captain, isn't he the kid who keeps on asking-" The pirate, who was speaking with fingers pointed at Ace, got a kick to his mouth. Ace can't wait to hear the end of their sentence. No way. The more they knew, the more danger he will bring to his brothers. He can't do that. He is the older brother and he is supposed to protect them.

"Piss off!" Ace shouted. "I will kill you, fuckface!" Ace even forgot that he was spitting slang in each of his sentences before Luffy. He was supposed to be a good brother. A part of him was saying him to mind his words, but another part of him was saying to shut the hell out of the pirates.

Luffy understood the situation they were in. He felt the negativity coming from the pirates. They were insane and had already lost their minds. And they did hurt them so they deserved every inch of their fury. They had helped the Noble to take Sabo from them. They had left many people to burn in the trash heap alive. They have taken away those people's treasures and homes.

Ace launched at Bluejam, kicking, and punching him. Luffy was handling the rest of the pirates, pushing them into the fire to meet their dead ends. But the place gave little to no space for them to fight. He stood behind Ace to protect his back, like Ace was doing with him. They fought together, protecting each other's backs.

Bluejam was sprouting nonsense about wanting the treasure and was trying his best to get near Luffy. But Ace was not about to give up. He would protect his brother even if it means he needs to die. He will protect Sabo and Luffy with his life, if possible. But Bluejam refused to leave him alone. He started babbling about how he will get rich with his brother's treasure and take his revenge on the Nobles. He even told that Sabo was just like them, to which he received growls from Ace.

Luffy bit the hands of the pirate who was capturing him. But got attacked by a sword, breaking his pipe, and creating a nasty wound on his forehead.

"Luffy!!!" Ace shouted.

"I'll kill you!! Die, bastard!" The pirate said as he raised his sword high up in the air.

"Don't you dare touch Luffy!!!" Ace yelled, as he kicked Bluejam aside and ran to Luffy's side. He failed to notice some pirates kissing the ground and some hitting the fire. His eyes were focused only on Luffy. His brother was holding his wound and squirming on the ground, crying in pain. The lightning crackled nearby and the raging of the waves was heard by everyone.

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