Chapter 11

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Ace, Sabo, and Luffy were running around in the forest when they heard the wind rustling. Luffy's face gained a bright smile, making Ace and Sabo halt in their paths. Out of one of the trees, a man came in front. The man smiled at Luffy and the brothers instantly felt a protective urge and stood in front of their little brother to protect him. But Luffy was not someone who could be halted, he was a force of nature. He was vibrating in his place and jumping.

"Papa!!" Luffy shouted and made his way toward the hooded figure. Ace and Sabo titled their heads in confusion and saw their little brother being lifted from the ground and in the arms of the man. They couldn't see the man's face clearly.

"I missed you!" Luffy chirped, like his usual self. Then he started babbling all about how he met Ace and Sabo and how they were brothers now. They could see the man smiling and approaching them.

"Thank you for taking care of my son!" The man said as he bowed a little with Luffy in his arms. The man's hood came down and Sabo felt like he was dreaming. His eyes widened.

"D-Dragon?" He didn't even think that he had uttered those words. Dragon wore an amused expression on his face.

"Yes!" Dragon gave a small smile and placed Luffy on the ground, with his brothers. He put his hands inside his pockets searching for something.

"Do you know him, Sabo?" Ace asked, looking not at all interested in the man and more interested in keeping an eye on Luffy who was jumping around and showing the beetles which he had found a few minutes ago to his Dad, and his Dad was paying his full attention to the energetic kid.

Sabo nodded his head, "He is Dragon the Revolutionary. The leader of the Revolutionary Army, whose main objective is to fight against the World Government 's unjust rule. Hence, the Government considers him the most wanted man in the World."

Dragon raised an eyebrow at that. This kid seemed knowledgeable yet with Noble attire.

"What do you think about Nobles?" Dragon asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Sabo grinned maliciously and looked at Dragon straight in his eyes. His eyes held a mischievous twinkle which made Dragon smile.

"Nobles are worthless scum bags. They use their status and position to escape their crimes which is unacceptable."

Dragon grinned at that. He likes the kid. Dragon brought his hands back from his pockets and placed the bag of candies and sweets in front of the three kids. Luffy directly attacked them, making Dragon chuckle.

"Lu, you need to share it with your brothers," Dragon grinned and took out some picture books about pirates and handed them to Luffy, who was now visibly thinking about what he should do first. Eat sweets or read stories about pirates. Who was he kidding? He started doing both together.

Ace and Sabo were now eating the sweets with Luffy, he could see the happiness radiating from them. Ace looked a little out of place, but in the face of food and sweets, he forgot everything and only focused on the candies in front of him. They were delicious.

Sabo grinned sheepishly after they ate everything and looked at Dragon and gave a little bow, making Ace copy him, "Thank you for sharing the sweets with us."

Dragon chuckled lightly. He could see the hot-headed kid, getting all red on his face. His sunshine chose an interesting duo to be brother.

The entire week that he spent with the trio was amazing. He saw them using their strength to fight the beasts of Mt. Colubu. He saw them fighting the thugs and stealing their treasures. The brothers fit perfectly together. They fought together covering each other's backs. He even met Dadan and stayed at the stuffed house, but it was all fun.

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