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Unknown POV
I was a 28 year old woman who had finally graduated from college with a psychology degree and moved to New York to become roommates with my best friend and her boyfriend.

To celebrate graduating and turning 28, they decided to take me out clubbing. I reluctantly put on the skimpy clothes that my friend gave me and went out.

As we were crossing the street however, a cab came speeding down the street at full speed. They didn't stop, didn't honk their horn, I don't think they even hit the breaks. Before I knew it I was flying in the air and landing harshly against the asphalt.

I blinked and when I opened my eyes again I was in the hospital being held by an unknown man in his early a baby wrapped up in a bundle.

It was then on that I began my life as Bella Swan's little sister. I basically went through the motions as I attempted to come to terms with my new life. I got to know my new family, and tried to figure things out....

Charlie Swan, my new dad, was in his mid twenties and was around 5'9 feet tall. He had a curly mop of black hair and warm, dark brown eyes. His face was heart shaped and he had plump lips and thick eyebrows. His skin was a pale, ivory color that seemed to glow. He had an athletic build as the police force kept him in shape.

He was quiet, shy, hardworking, and loyal. He did get awkward around people he didn't know, but once he warmed up to you he became a goofy sweetheart.

Renee Swan, my egg donor, was in her early twenties and was about 5'4 feet tall. She had long, light auburn hair with olive skin and dazzling diamond gray-blue eyes. Her face was more oval shaped and her chin was pointed. Her thin eyebrows almost looked nonexistent as they were more blonde and slightly blended into her skin. Her lips were thin as well, and she had a flat, lean frame.

She was excitable, passionate, and adventurous. She hated staying still and was awful with money. I suspected that she had ADHD or bipolar disorder, but I couldn't confirm it. She was caring and loving towards those she loved though.

Renee never mistreated me in any way, but we didn't have an emotional connection that mothers and children typically had. Possibly because I was born in the midst of a divorce.

Finally the person you've all been waiting for....Bella Swan.

My new 'sister' stood at 5'5 feet tall and had a more flat and lean body. Her skin was an almost sickly pale and contrasted against her dark umber eyes. Her hair was a darker shade of auburn and was curly at the ends like Charlie's. Her face was heart shaped and she had a more pointed chin, but her eyes weren't doe-like as the books said.

Her face was either a scowl or a constipated expression. Her voice sounded dead and emotionless as well.

Contrary to the books, Bella was actually selfish, attention seeking, and narcissistic. The only thing that they got right was the fact that she was stubborn. Bella didn't believe in secrets and had to know about everyone's business. She was stuck up and rude as well. Kristen Stewart did a good job with her lip biting and awkward shudder thing as well as her deadpan face.

Bella hated me and blamed me for our parents divorce. She never physically did anything, but she did make snide remarks and attempted to spread rumors about me. They didn't work as no one believed that a 4 year old was a stupid, slut that was abusive towards her elder sister.

Renee left taking Bella with her, while I stayed with dad. Since I was in Forks, I decided to change a few things.

For example in the past five years that I've been here (Bella refused to visit at all despite the court order for her to come up and visit for two months during the summer) I've prevented Aunt Sarah from getting in the car the day of her accident and alerted everyone to Uncle Harry's heart defect which consequently prevented their deaths. There was nothing that I could do to stop Uncle Billy from losing the mobility in his legs nor could I stop Leah from dating Sam and having her heart broken.

I would try to help her find her imprint, though, because in my opinion Leah and Rosalie are tied in first place on who got it worst in Twilight. They were literally hated on because they didn't like Bella and straight up told her that they didn't.

Rosalie was called shallow by some she considered a brother when she wasn't! She was unhappy and miserable as a vampire. So was Edward! Yet he's not shallow? The only thing that gave her any happiness was her mate Emmett....but think that she deserves the chance to be a mom.

Leah's fiancée left her for her cousin/sister figure and not given any explanation until she shifted. Does everyone forget that imprinting can be platonic? He could've married her and had Emily as a sister! He didn't need to break her heart, nor did he have to be with Emily!

Both of them deserve better.

Jacob is second because he imprinted on Ratatouille and got named a peodphile despite the fact that he had no choice and was forced to belong to Renesmee. It was a life of servitude.

Honestly, the whole imprinting was just Stephanie tying loose ends and lazy writing.

I have a lot of work cut out for me, but I have years to plan all of it. Right now, I just need to focus on getting my dad someone to take care of him and for him to love....

As we sat at the diner I was thinking of who to set my dad up with.....

"Would you like some more cocoa, sweetie?" Cora, the waitress, suddenly appeared and asked making look at her. I smiled and said in a cheerful, windy voice that was now mine "Yes, please, Miss Cora!" making her chuckle before pouring it.

My dad smiled and thanked her as well. She grew flustered but nodded and smiled as well. She walked away and approached the counter where another waitress whose name tag I couldn't see began pestering her as Cora looked longingly at my father....

How could I not have seen this before? She's obviously the perfect choice!

Cora, is in her late twenties and the same age as dad, she has beautiful, dark ebony skin which contrasts with dad's ivory tone in a pleasing way. Her hairstyle was in dreadlock braids that she pulled back into a ponytail while working.

Her plump lips were warm every time she affectionately pecked my forehead and they radiated a warm smile that reminded me of the sun. She cooked most of the desserts in the diner and made real hot chocolate, none of that powder crap! She was amazing in the kitchen, but shy and awkward everywhere else.

She was perfect! do I get these crazy kids together?

How I was reincarnated as a SwanWhere stories live. Discover now