side chapter: azur lane & red axis's first commander part 1

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Don't own anything

Enterprise pov:

After orochi attack. My first human boyfriend trigger step down as commander, ms nagato queen & call from bismarck authorized they choosed a commander & secretary.

Black colored raptor just landed. Unfamiliar red dog emblem on the tail fin.

 Unfamiliar red dog emblem on the tail fin

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That emblem looked familiar.

Enterprise: say zuikaku. Isn't that..

Zuikaku: no that's demon lord's younger brother. He's the shikikan

My widen

Enterprise: so what secretary he choosed?

Atago: me

Sakura empire's heavy cruiser atago!?. I heard she's in a relationship with someone could that be him. He jumps out removed his helmet oxygen mask, he's young. But one thing different than the rest of the humans, he has red unusual eyes.

Nothing wrong with that but looking at cipher his eye color is red too. He's human. His younger brother something about him is way way off. Atago stands by him.

Destroyer: thanks for coming on this fine day. My names lex sapphire hills known as destroyer lrssg strider 2 will now be your commander. I choosed my girlfriend/secretary atago. Trigger turned commander down due to my history & intellectual mind. I am born in ustio grew up in osa from another. World that history is different everyone one of you is still new. Were just as new as your history of where you all came from. (Smiled) i may be commander but all of you still hold leadership




Hornet: why is that?

Destroyer: example. Her majesty bismarck & nagato are born leaders. I heard eagle union doesn't really have a legit leader so your freedom & independence is the same as osea. They too are freedom & independence

Titan: difference is our osea flag doesn't have the color of red. Just white & blue 😁

Destroyer: i will only followed orders whose been here on this world for a very long time. There's alot of things i we don't know, any questions?

I looked at everyone no comments have been said. He dismissed. Trigger love got his attention for me.

Trigger: strider 2 this is my first girlfriend yorktown class enterprise

Destroyer: so your the grey ghost that gave first carrier & 5th carrier a hard time. You tried sending your planes after me. Nice too meet you

Enterprise: like wise. Your skills really beyond trigger's or mobius 1'a i been hearing about

Destroyer: my older brother cipher teached me since i was kid

Enterprise: how you know eagle union doesn't have a legit leader?

Atago: remember freedom & independence

Hornet: got that right?. Oh i'm Hornet also yorktown class

Destroyer: have a feeling were missing a 3rd?

Enterprise: yorktown is recovering

Destroyer: i see

Atago: is there a option where we can see her?

To be continued:


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