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I would just like to say I'm very sorry but for the time being this book and my other book is going to be temporarily on hold updates (if any) will be hardly ever. I will get one out some time in the next few days but for a while I will barely be updating. I have a lot of things going on. One being my brother currently in surgery at this moment. Another being my sister who has stage 4 cancer and only has a year left to live if her body doesn't except the kemo (don't know how to spell it) and it's a very small chance of her body excepting it since it didn't last time and since it is stage 4. Along with me having to go through a whole court thing that could end in me being taken away. And a lot of other things So sorry for the people who really like my book.

So so so SO sorry but I promise to try and update once every 2-3 weeks if I can but again lots of things going on and all of them are absolutely terrible.

Again I am so sorry

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