The Call

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IM BACK AND MY LAPTOP GOT FIXED!!!! Literally right after it was finally fixed my mom asked to use it again. She took it and used it even though I told her no. Speaking of which I need to change my password. Again. I shit you not my password to my last laptop used to be


I'm not even joking

She even got mad that she couldnt get into it whenever she wanted. And no she didnt buy the laptop.

Oh and then I left it setting in my room for one second and when I come back one of my nephews (who my mom is trying to adopting so I should just say my brothers but oh well) covered it in glue.... it no longer works. 200 dollars down the drain.

but you gays arent here for that your here to read a terrible one shot that i wrote in the middle of the night because i have no life. Sorry it's very late and yes I am STILL working on the big one, my FUCKING God it's long AF I think it's at like 7 thousand words or so, I'm not even joking, and no where close to being done. Fml

Personalities are gonna be off
*cough cough* Harley *cough cough*


























><><><3rd Person><><><

It was a normal Monday at Midtown School of Science and Technology, well normal for Peter Stark-Rogers (Parker) at least. No deathly attacks from a mind-controlled god. No dumb field trip that he is 90% sure are staged by someone who wants to make his life hell for other's amusement. Flash was his usual dickward self. Ned was nerding out after he saw peter work on his web fluid in chem class. So all in all normal day.

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