Another Field trip

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So my past self left me some shit and now I'm writing it, it is at the end of the story if you wanna read it but like I'm 95% sure I was on something bc I don't remember writing it I am changing part of what my past self wrote only because I feel it makes more since this way

Alright so Trans ftm peter (he had top surgery) and Stony that's all I can give you.

"Baby Stark Do Do-Do-Do Do-Do Baby Stark Do Do-Do-Do Do-Do Baby Stark Do Do-Do-Do Do-Do Baby Stark!" Friday screamed at the top of her lungs waking me and Harley up.

"Mhm shut the fuck up Friday." My amazing boyfriend Harley Keener responded back to the AI.

"No Potato boy I will not Baby Stark needs to get up for schoo-" I cut her off by saying,

"Override. code 16182062"

"Overriding, telling Mr. Stank you are awake so he doesn't check on you, please injoy your sleep Baby Stark not you though Potato boy I hope you can't go back to sleep." Friday then left us alone.

"Well since my dad thinks we are awake and we both know we can't fall back asleep... what do you wanna do?" I asked with a smirk already knowing his answer.

><><><Tony; this part is purely just for fun you can skip to the time skip if you want><><><
"Baby Stark is awake and getting ready sirs." Friday said interrupting mine and Steve's conversation.

"There is not a chance that boy is getting ready, is there?" Steve asked looking at me with the look. The look that said I have to go check knowing damn good and well Harley is here.

"Hell no I'm not going I'm still scared from last time." I said setting my coffee down.

"So you want your husband to be traumatized?" I don't know how but he always does that and always makes me go and check on them when there in the same room. Which is what I'm on my way to do now.

"Kid get AHH MY EYES!" I screamed running back to the kitchen.

"What's wron-" Steve was interrupted by Peter running out 3 seconds later trying to put his shirt on.

"DAD I SWEAR ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!! WE WERE JUST KISSING!!" He screamed looking very red in the face.

At this point Steve was on the floor laughing.

"Kid that was the 7th time I've walked in on you two 'just kissing with out clothes on' I know we have a no locked door policy but for fucks sake lock your damn door next time!!" I responded back while jokingly kicking steve.

"Wait really Tony we can lock our door." Harley said smirking as he walked out of the room in just his boxers.

"NO! I- you know what Peter go get ready for school Happy is waiting for you and Harley go put some clothes on and meet me in the lab. Fuck I'm gonna need more coffee." I mumbled the last part as I walked down to the lab ignoring the language I heard coming from Steve.

><><><this is Jared the time skip its his first job; school 3rd person POV><><><

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