Vol 1 Birth of an Empire

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*In another world*

A bright light suddenly flashes near an tree. Then suddenly the light died down and here we can see our protagonist laying on the ground unconscious. A few seconds after that, he or now she opens her eyes for the first time in the new world to see her surroundings. She is below the tree which is blocking some sunlight. She finally stands up and started to view her surroundings.

Henry: Wow... Now this is an scenery.

Infront of her is the seas which stretch till you can't see the end of it, her left is an flat terrain that has an river that touches the ocean which is an good starting point for her to build an city. Her right is an land covered in forrest. Henry continues to observe her surroundings until she hear something from her head.

??: [ The new Nation Starting System has been added to your status bar ]

Henry got spooked when she hear someone talking to her.

Henry(spooked): Oh my god... Don't do that... Also where are you.

??: [ I am in your head, or I am the sistem that will help you build your nation. ]

Henry: So do you have an name?

??: [ I don't have one. ]

Henry: Well how about I call you Amy?

Amy: [ I don't mind if master calls me that ]

Henry: You don't have to call me master, just call me by my name. Speaking of name, I can't let someone call me by my former name. My former name is too boyish.

Henry thinks for a moment to figure out his new names until she got one.

Henry: I got one. How about Hannah Wilson. Pretty good one isn't it Amy.

Amy: [ it's a good name that will be remembered forever in the history of this world. ]

Hannah: Oookay then, let's get to the point, how can I open my status to access my nation starting system?

Amy: [ Just say status and an status bar will appear in front of you Hannah ]

Hannah: Okay then, Status.

Then out of nowhere the status bar appear in front of Hannah.

[ Status bar ]

Name: Hannah Wilson

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Demi human

Level: 1

Mana: 12,100/12,100


Heart of an lion
When in front of an face of danger, will show no fear towards the enemy.

The lions roar
Boost nearby allies morales, speed and strength.

Nation starting system
An system that allows the user to make its own city, capital and summon soldiers, weapons and civilians. ( Note: you will unlock more technology if the user keeps leveling up )

Henry: Wow this is a lot of mana for an level 1

Amy: [ That's because the nation summoning system requires a lot of mana. ]

Henry: How much?

Amy: [ Well the capital is free, you don't need any mana to summon it. But for soldiers is 10 mana each, civilian for 5 mana,weapons for 3 mana, armoured vehicle for 1,600 mana,4,500-8,000 depends on how big your naval vessels and how much guns it has and an city for 10,500 mana. They will continue to increase the mana consumption with new technology and how big your level is. ]

Starting an Empire in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now