Vol 1 helping hand

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With the recent signing of the alliance between Cotluna and Englundia. The Englundian began sending volunteers troops to Cotluna to help defeat the rebels to maintain order in the region. The Cotluna wanted to offer something in return for helping them dealing with the rebels but the Englundia rejected and said that it's small things and don't need repayment.

Cotluna Capital, Curlot
Royal Palace, throne room.

Queen Velka is currently sitting on the throne with other nobles waiting for message to arrived from the delegation. Then suddenly, a knock on the door hall, queen Velka allowed the person to be entered and it was an messenger.

Messenger: My Queen, news arrived from the delegation.

Queen Velka: So... What did they say?

Messenger: They agreed to help us fight the rebels and are already sent soldiers to help us.

Noble 1: Now that is wonderful news, with their help, we might be finally ending this bloody war.

Noble 2: But what did they demand? They must have demanded something from us?

The room tenses up, thinking that the Englundia would demand them to become their puppet state, but what the messenger said shock the whole room.

Messenger: They say that the Englundia doesn't want anything from us, only an alliance would suffice.

Noble 2: Am I hearing that right?

Messenger: You did sir, they say that they don't want anything.

Queen Velka: Well, that is an surprise...

Noble 1: This is definitely too good to be true!

Noble 2: This kingdom is finally saved!

Queen Velka thought: The leader of Englundia... Now I am interested in you.

Cotluna-rebel frontline

The frontline between Cotluna and the rebels have been bloody. Both side suffered heavy casualties combined together to around 150,000 to 165,000.

Right now the Cotluna army is in an very bad shape as the army has only an few people who can fight and a lot of injured. As for the rebels, they are now regrouping to form another attack against the Cotluna army to deal the final blow.

Cotluna army camp

We can see few high ranking officer gather in the general tents to discuss about their next plan to deal with the rebel

Cotluna officer: What should we do general? Our army is in an bad shape and the rebels are now preparing for an another attack on us.

Cotluna officer 2: I suggest we retreat. If we take the fight to them, we would lose this fight and Curlot would be burn to the ground.

Cotluna 3: What! Are you telling me that we need to abandon this front, this is our last defensive position! If we retreat and fall back to Curlot, Curlot people would be in the center of combat.

Cotluna general thought: He's right, if we retreat Curlot would be an warzone... Ugh this is so hard. If their is an goddess please grant me my wish and drive the rebels back.

Just then an messenger arrived in the generals tent

Messenger: Sir, message from the capital.

Cotluna general: What is it?

Messenger: Our nation have now allied with the kingdom of Englundia. Their troops will be arriving here pretty shortly to help us deal with the rebels.

Cotluna officer 1: Who is this kingdom of Englundia?

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