Vol 1 A Strange Visitor

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A few weeks later after Queen Velka visit,Queen Hannah sat in her office, her frustration mounting with each stack of paperwork she shuffled through. Her meeting with Queen Velka had been productive. Now she time to address the pressing matters within her own kingdom. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on her shoulders as she scoured through reports and decrees.

As the paperwork continues to stack further and further, a sharp knock on the door shattered the silence. Queen Hannah immediately straightened her posture, readjusting her regal attire, and called out.

Queen Hannah: Enter.

The door swung open, and a member of her royal guard announced,

Royal guard:"Your Majesty, there is someone here who urgently requests an audience with you. They claim it is a matter of utmost importance."

Eager for a rest from her tiresome tasks, Queen Hannah nodded.

Queen Hannah: Okay then, I will see her in the delegation room.

Royal guard: Yes your majesty.

And then the Royal guard left the room.

Queen Hannah: I wonder who is actually trying to meet me here?

A few hours has past and Queen Hannah along with other guards accompanying her is heading for the delegation room set up for a meeting. When Hannah arrived, she is met with a interesting individual.A young woman, who is wearing a black hood to hide her face. The room was silent until Hannah spoke.

Queen Hannah: So, what are you here for?

Unknown woman: Sorry but I only request for the leader of this country to have a meeting, so I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Queen Hannah: Well you're talking to the leader of this country right now.

Unknown woman: Wait what!

Queen Hannah: What? Never expect a woman to be incharge of a country?

Unknown woman: No... It's just that seeing a woman ruling over a country is rare and mostly it is only the male that rules the country.

Queen Hannah: Ohhh, so that's the case. So, I guess we needed a introduction, I am Queen Hannah, the Queen of Englundia.

Unknown woman: I am princess Elfina, the princess of the Elven kingdom.

Then the unknown woman took off the hood and reveals the elf princess. Hannah was surprised, she never expected the princess of a country to show up in her doorstep. And moreover she is really into female elves and is screaming from the inside but kept her cool.

Queen Hannah: Wow, so a princess of a foreign country with no escort arrived in my country. I'd say I am surprised myself.

Princess Elfina: Well we high elves know magic and can safely travel around the forest wherever we want.

Queen Hannah: So what's a foreign princess wanting so eagerly to meet me?

Princess Elfina: I know you will ask this so I will cut to the chase. Please save our country!

Queen Hannah was confused to Elfina message

Queen Hannah: Save your country? What are you talking about?

Princess Elfina: You see, our elven kingdom is in a civil war, one I with many other elf can't win. The Elven kingdom is split into 2 faction, the Aulotia faction which is a faction where I am from and the Nodular faction, a faction where my brother is from.

Queen Hannah: okay... And why am I getting involved in this?

Princess Elfina: it's because I don't want to see our nation in ruins. We used to be peaceful but my brother wanted to throw the peace away and dreaming of conquering other countries. My brother and his faction are all war monger and me and my faction are the peace keepers. When our father died, my brother take control of the throne and now is plunging our nation into chaos. Me and my faction resisted but can only last for a few weeks at most. So that's why I seek for your help, you help the Cotluna with their rebellion issue that plague their country and destroy one of the slave nation in this isle, that's why we seek for your power.

Queen Hannah: So you came all the way here just to ask me for my cooperation?

Princess Elfina: Yes, if you still wouldn't accept it, I am willing to offer my body to you.

Queen Hannah was shocked to hear this statement from the princess, where the hell is her dignity.

Queen Hannah: Woah! Woah! Woah! You don't need to go that far!?

Princess Elfina: So would you accept to help us?

Queen Hannah: Let me think about it.

Queen Hannah think for a few minutes until she finally said her answer.

Queen Hannah: Princess Elfina, we'll help you win the war.

When princess Elfina heard that she teared up immediately.

Princess Elfina: Thank you! Thank you!

Queen Hannah: Don't thank me yet, thank me when we end the war in your country.

After that, queen Hannah left the negotiation room and tell a servant to escort Elfina to a transport ships to escort her back to her homeland, the cruise liner is also are in route to the southern Elven kingdom. After that, she order the army high command to sent in volunteer forces to the elven kingdom to support Elfina faction in the Southern elven kingdom. The army high command set up a total of 6,000 soldiers, most of which are Hannah summoned soldiers and the rest are either demi humans or natives, 30 mark 1 tanks, 140 assault cars, 3 destroyers and a cruiser for escort.

After the meeting with Queen Hannah, princess Elfina was escort using a car to a nearby military dock, she was shocked by this invention as this was something she had never seen before. After arriving ,she saw the HMS Glory,a large dreadnought that is stationing in port.

Princess Elfina thought: Woah... I have seen many big ships when I entered Londinium but this ship is practically a giant compared to other ships we had build... And it doesn't have sail, so I wonder how does it move? And what's more mysterious is that large trunk that it's showing, even though it's not pointing at me, but I can already feel fear that I have never felt.

Along the way, she can see thousands of soldiers lining up to embark hundreds of transport ships, she saw many soldiers holding mysterious sticks in their hands and surprise to see demi humans and humans are both enlisted in the Englundia army, she also saw many unknown "species" such as a elephant that has like a trunk on each of its side and the same car but has a little trunk at the top that is also being loaded into the transport ships. She was amazed by this unknown species and she got interrupted when the escort finally snap her out.

Escort: Princess Elfina, the ship is ready to be departed as we're speaking.

Princess Elfina: Ohh... Okay. But may I ask, which ship are we boarding?

Escort: We'll be boarding the HMS Turner, a cruiser of the Englundian royal navy.

The escort then points towards the ship that they are about to be boarding. A huge ships but not as big as the dreadnought that she saw.

Elfina thought: Thank goodness I ask for the Englundian for help. With thier help, we may actually be able to win this war and end this bloodshed.

(Finally, I finally updated it. Now I can rest easy)

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