Vol 1 A Visit

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The defeat of the Athos Kingdom was spread all over isles like wild fire. Some were shocked, some were relieved some weren't so happy about it, particularly the Rotota which is Athos biggest trading partner of slaves. Now with Athos gone, the Rotota are now having an hard time getting slaves since it was very valuable.

Rotota capital, Rolla
Rotota king throne room.

Rotota king: What! Our trading partner Athos had been destroyed!

Messenger: Yes my king, they have been defeated by some unknown nation by the name of Englundia.

The king then calms down and replied.

Rotota king: Englundia... This is weird, I never heard of this kingdom before. Do you have any information about them

Messenger: My king, we currently have no information about them as we have never heard of them before.

Rotota king: Sent every spies that we have to infiltrate them, I want to get the glimpse of what we are dealing here and also I want their leader information as well.

Messenger: Yes my king.

The messenger left the throne room leaving the Rotota king in thought.

Rotota king though: Englundia... Sooner or later you will be crush by me.

Some people who are relieved of this news were the Cotluna Kingdom, the relationship between Cotluna and Athos isn't very good because of the slave trade the Athos had with Rotota and also their funding towards the Cotluna rebel group in the north. With Athos gone, Cotluna can now have an chance to hold their ground with the Cotluna rebels.

Cotluna Capital, Curlot
Cotluna throne room

In the halls of the castle throne room, there's an beautiful wolf woman sitting on the throne, she is queen Velka, the queen of the Cotluna Kingdom. Right now she is sitting on the throne room with other nobles to hear the news.

Messenger: My lady, the Athos Kingdom has been defeated by an unknown kingdom.

Queen Velka: Wait what! This isn't an dream right?

Messenger: I can't guarantee my lady this is not an dream, this is real.

Queen Velka: I had to thank the goddess for that, so who is this unknown kingdom that defeated the Athos?

Messenger: They call themselves the Englundia kingdom my lady.

Queen Velka: Do you have more information about them?

Messenger: I'm sorry but I don't think we have any information about them at all.

Queen Velka: It's alright, the Englundia has help us a lot by getting rid of Athos.

Just then another messenger arrived delivering the news of the rebels front

Messenger: Your highness, message from the front.

Queen Velka: So what is the front right now with the rebels.

Messenger 2: The front right now with the rebels have seen no movement from them, but we are right now our soldiers are very weak due to the constant attack from all sides, if they keep attacking we might lose the war.

Queen Velka thought: This is bad, if they keep attacking we might lose the front and lose this war, I need to prevent them from attacking at all cost, but how? Think Velka! Think!

Just then Queen Velka got an idea but others may not like it

Queen Velka: Sent an diplomat to Englundia, we might need their help on this war.

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