Vol 1 First Contact

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It was an few months after Hannah got transported into this world. She has been busy for the past few days, summoning more soldiers, civilians and weapons. Right now her capital has over 1,530,000 civilians with 94,100 troops at her disposal. She has also summoned her first coastal city that left her exhausted, after that she summoned 4 more coastal city to help level up her mana.

She has also summoned at least 37 destroyers, 12 cruiser, 8 heavy cruiser, 4 pre dreadnought and 2 battleship to patrol nearby coastal areas and to conquer some islands for her kingdom.

She has also level up which means she now has 1910 tech that she can summon.

Right now she is in Buckingham Palace in her office doing what all grownups hate... Paperwork.

Meanwhile in Buckingham Palace

Hannah: God... Just how many paperwork's are there!

Amy: [ Well Hannah, you still have 263 papers left ]

Hannah: Are you serious! This is gonna take ages! I am already tired of this!

Then suddenly someone knock on the door that Hannah was in. She immediately retain her composure and start to speak formally

Hannah: You may enter.

Then the door open review to be an girl in an victorian maid outfit.

Maid: Your majesty, are you alright? I heard a lot of screaming so I came in to check on you.

Hannah: Ohh, it's just paperworks, nothing to worry about, you may leave.

Maid: Yes your majesty.

The maid then leave the room and close the door. Hannah immediately went back to complaining about paperworks.

Then suddenly another knock from Queen Hannah office door.

??: Your majesty, can I come in?

Hannah: You may.

The door open up to review an British soldiers from 1910. He salute and start to give news to Queen Hannah

Soldier: Your majesty, we have received news that our scouts have now taken 2 more islands as part of our territory.

Hannah: That's good news. Anything else?

Soldier: We have also encountered refugee that have fled near the borders of one of our newly claimed territory. We immediately escort them to our capital dock for information.

Hannah: What do they look like?

Soldier: Some of them are humans and some of them are demi human. They are all also wearing ragged clothes.

Hannah: What did they do upon meeting our soldiers?

Soldier: The refugee immediately began to panic and they began to beg for mercy. We simply tell them that we are here to help them. They were gald that we are not there to arrest them.

Hannah: So did they give us any info on the other nations that are near us?

Soldier: They did your majesty. They have also help us on the map into knowing where we are.

The soldier then present Hannah an map.

The soldier then present Hannah an map

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