Vol 1 a visit to Englundia

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With the recent victory against the Cotluna rebels, peace was finally restored in Cotluna. But not all was good news, although the rebels were defeated, some manages to escape to other kingdoms before the reannex of the rebels region. Right now, Queen Velka is having an meeting with nobles and other high ranking officials

Queen Velka: My esteemed nobles and high-ranking officials, I stand before you today with a burning desire in my heart. I wish to personally visit the capital city of Londinium, the heart of Englundia, to express my gratitude to their leader for their invaluable support in our battle against the rebel forces. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Noble 1: Your Majesty, while I understand your appreciation for their assistance, we must consider the implications of such a journey. The wounds from the rebellion are still fresh, and tensions between our realms may be fragile. Your safety and the stability of our kingdom must be our utmost priority.

Queen Velka: I appreciate your concern, noble one, but it is crucial for me to show my personal gratitude to the leader of Englundia. Their aid was instrumental in our victory, and it is only fitting that I express my thanks in person. This gesture will not only strengthen our alliance but also foster goodwill between our kingdoms.

High-Ranking Official: Your Majesty, I understand your intentions, but we must exercise caution. It would be wise to send a diplomatic envoy on your behalf to convey our heartfelt appreciation. This way, we can ensure your safety while maintaining the dignity of our kingdom.

Queen Velka: I understand your reservations, but the personal touch of my presence will carry far greater weight and sincerity. Englundia's leader needs to witness firsthand the gratitude in my eyes and hear it from my lips. This journey will not only solidify our alliance but also establish a strong foundation for future cooperation.

Noble 2: Your Majesty, might I propose a compromise? We can organize a grand celebration within our own kingdom, inviting the leader of Englundia as an honored guest. This way, you can express your thanks in a secure and controlled environment, while also showcasing the strength and unity of our realm.

Queen Velka: Your suggestion holds merit. A grand celebration in our own lands would indeed serve as a platform for expressing our gratitude. However, I still believe a personal visit to their capital would convey a level of sincerity and commitment that no celebration can achieve. It is a risk I am willing to take for the betterment of our relationship.

High-Ranking Official: Your unwavering dedication to diplomacy and gratitude is truly admirable, Your Majesty. We will make the necessary arrangements for your journey to Londinium. However, we shall ensure that every precaution is taken to safeguard your safety and the stability of our kingdom.

Queen Velka: I am grateful for your understanding and support, my loyal officials. Prepare for my journey, and let it be known that we embark on this mission not only to express thanks but also to forge a lasting bond with Englundia.

As the meeting ended,Queen Velka embarked on a journey to the port city of Worcester, accompanied by her loyal guards. As they approached the bustling city, Queen Velka couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of towering buildings that seemed to kiss the sky. The architectural marvels stood as a testament to the progress and prosperity of Englundia.

Stepping onto the soil of Worcester, Queen Velka was greeted by a warm reception from the Englundia troops. She was taken aback by the absence of discrimination and the palpable sense of equality that prevailed in the city. The people moved freely, irrespective of their social backgrounds, and Queen Velka was struck by the harmony that resonated in every corner.

Queen Velka was escorted by the Englundian troops to the port, where a majestic Englundian cruise ship awaited her arrival. The vessel stood tall, its gleaming white hull reflecting the sunlight. The ship was a symbol of Englundia's naval prowess and its commitment to exploration and diplomacy.

As the cruise ship set sail, Queen Velka stood on the deck, gazing at the receding coastline of Worcester. She marveled at the vastness of the ocean, its waves crashing against the ship, as if urging her onward to her destination—Londinium, the capital city of Englundia.

Upon arriving in Londinium, Queen Velka was greeted by a delegation from Buckingham Palace. The grandeur of the palace itself left her breathless. The opulent architecture and regal ambiance were a testament to the rich history and traditions of Englundia.

Queen Velka was escorted through the palace corridors, adorned with magnificent tapestries and exquisite artwork. As she entered the meeting chamber, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Queen Velka's heart swelled with anticipation as she stepped into the grandeur of Buckingham Palace. The regal halls echoed with her footsteps as she made her way towards the meeting chamber. She had come to meet with the leader of Englundia, expecting a traditional encounter with a human leader. Little did she know that fate had a surprise in store for her.

As the doors opened, Queen Velka entered the room, her eyes immediately drawn to the figure standing at the head of the table. But to her astonishment, it wasn't the expected human leader she had envisioned. Instead, a striking demi-human woman stood before her, radiating confidence and strength.

Momentarily taken aback, Queen Velka's gaze shifted between the woman and the other officials in the room. She searched their faces for answers, wondering if there had been a misunderstanding. The room was filled with a mix of curiosity, intrigue, and an air of anticipation.

Composing herself, Queen Velka stepped forward, extending her hand.

Queen Velka:Greetings, esteemed leader of Englundia. I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised to meet another demi-human in such a position of power.

The leader of Englundia smiled warmly, accepting Queen Velka's hand.

???: Your Majesty, I am honored to stand before you. Indeed, I am both the leader of Englundia and a demi-human. Our society values equality, regardless of race or lineage.

Queen Velka's surprise gradually transformed into admiration. She realized that Englundia had embraced a level of inclusivity and acceptance that was rare in many other kingdoms. Her initial assumptions shattered, she saw an opportunity for a deeper connection, built upon shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the challenges faced by demi-humans.

Queen Velka, her curiosity piqued, couldn't help but inquire about the name of the leader of Englundia. With a gentle smile, she looked directly into her eyes and asked,

Queen Velka: May I have the honor of knowing your name, esteemed leader?

The leader of Englundia returned Queen Velka's gaze with a warm expression.

Queen Hannah: Of course, Your Majesty. My name is Lady Hannah.

Curiosity filled her voice as Queen Velka inquired further,

Queen Velka: May I ask how you came to be in this esteemed position, defying the norms that often govern leadership roles?

Hannah eyes sparkled with pride and determination.

Queen Hannah:Through perseverance, resilience, and the support of a progressive society, I have risen to this position. Englundia recognizes the potential and capabilities of all its citizens, regardless of their lineage. It is my duty to lead and ensure a prosperous future for our kingdom.

Inspired by Hannah words, Queen Velka felt a newfound sense of camaraderie. She realized that this meeting was not just about forging alliances between kingdoms but also about embracing a shared vision of equality and inclusivity.

After bidding farewell to Hannah, Queen Velka returned to her kingdom, Cotluna, with a heart filled with newfound affection. The encounter at Buckingham Palace had ignited a spark within her, and she realized that her admiration for Hannah had transformed into something more profound.

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