16 | Nina

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I wake up in the guest room the next morning, as if nothing has happened.

And I'd almost believe nothing did, that last night was just a dream, except for the fact that my shirt smells like vanilla. And if my drowsy brain recalls correctly, that's because when we arrived back at the house, Santo scooped me out of the passenger seat to his warm chest, like I weighed as much as a feather, and carried me all the way to bed.

I'm anxious at the thought of leaving the room and running into someone, but my stomach is growling something fierce, and my throat is painfully dry. It's still early, so I bank on nobody being up yet as I tiptoe outside and start descending the stairs, my mind focused solely on the task ahead. I'll figure out what the hell I'm doing back here after...

Voices. In the kitchen. I stop just outside the doorway, pressing myself against the wall.

It's Massimo and Santo. My feet are itching to go back upstairs, but my nosiness wins out.

"She's a risk."

I jump at the sound of glass clattering loudly in the sink. "So you dump her at the train station with nothing but the fucking clothes on her back?"

"I gave her a ticket."

Several beats of silence pass, and I strain to hear the deep, measured breaths that I recognize as Santo's. "If you do something like that again, so help me, I don't care about the fact that you are Capo—"

"What do you suggest I do, Santo?"

"If I hadn't gotten there when I did..." his breaths grow harsher, louder. "She stays. I'll burn Luciano's entire business to the ground if I need to. Don't bullshit me."

"She's a risk to our plans. I don't need to give Luciano another reason to infiltrate my territory. He's been subtly undermining me for months already, and it's time we deal with him."

"Bullshit! You think she's a risk to me. Do me the fucking favor of being honest to my face."

Massimo's voice takes on a note of danger. "She is. She's making you angrier, more impulsive—"

"Do you know what made me angry? Finding her curled up alone on a bench with no money, no clothes, nothing to defend herself with. That made me absolutely fucking livid. That made me want to light the fucking world on fire and take you down with it. And you're my brother, Simo. I'd give my life for you, as I know you would for me."

"What power does she have over you?"

"Whatcha doin'?" I squeak at the voice that speaks loudly into my ear. Tommaso stands behind me, his smirk doing little to hide the serious look on his face. I wonder what went on in this house when Santo found out where I was.

The voices in the kitchen stop, and heavy footsteps approach. I heave a deep breath, squaring my shoulders as Massimo appears before me. Without acknowledging me for half a second, he strides past, and Santo's form fills the doorway.

"Breakfast is out," he informs me in a steady voice. "Eat, then change and meet me at the front for our run."

I open my mouth to tell him that I don't like eating before running, but the look on his face silences me. Without a word, I duck my head and push past him, making myself a small plate of food. I pick at my food, embarrassed of all the drama I seem to be bringing into this house, as Tommaso smirks annoyingly at me from across the room.

"What?" I eventually explode, frowning at him.

"Causing quite the uproar, aren't you?"

Shame makes my shoulders hunch. I don't like feeling like I'm causing trouble, especially between Santo and his brother. Something tells me they have an unbreakable bond, one that's becoming strained because of my presence. Feeling like an inconvenience is something I can't stand; it fills me with a discomfort that has my limbs itching to do something about it.

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