(MT-01) : Who are you now?

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Agatha opened her eyes and blinked several times.

She's not inside her room! This is not Liam's room either!

Did she got drunk again and ended up in some strangers bed?

Pinakiramdaman niya ang katawan, she doesn't feel different naman.

She tried to remember what happened to her yesterday but the last thing she can remember is an accident.

Why isn't she in a hospital?

Was that all a dream?

If it was then where is she?

She internally panicked.

Think Agatha, think!

Then she remembered Liam.

Yes! I need to call him.

She sits-up and tried to locate her phone when she noticed a pile of papers on the bedside table.

She picks up the envelope on top where there's Read Me written in bold letters on it.

She recognized her own pemmanship and pulled out the paper inside.


I know you are probably panicking right now, but please relax and I'll explain everything.

I know your last memory was the accident in 2019, and no it wasn't a dream it really happened and that is where it all started Agatha.

That accident has put you in coma for almost three months, your body healed and all but--- you lost more than you should.

The aftermath of the accident gave you a condition. You now have some kind of amnesia. I know it's kind of unbelievable but you have.

You see, your amnesia makes you forget everything that happened to you the prior day. In short, you mind resets everyday.

Once you sleep and wake-up the memory will all be gone, and don't ever attempt to stay awake for a longer period of time just because you wanted to retain the memory longer Agatha, that will not do you any good, just believe me on this, please get enough sleep.

It is already 2023 now, if you will look in the calendar it's already May 1st of 2023, I wrote this letter April 30th.

You came up with the idea to write about your condition and the things you should know in a letter that you can read the moment you wake-up.

You don't have to write another letter about your accident later today because you only do this every end of the month.

You are currently living with your bestfriend Liam for almost four years now.

He took you in after your accident and takes care of you, he actually felt guilty because of your accident and blamed himself for it, and you will always tell him that it is not his fault, I bet you feel that way too.

Anyway, the pile of papers on your desk are summary of the people you have in your life right now, i.e family and friends.

Only read them if you are expecting to see them on that day just to avoid information overload.

By the way, you usually write about what happened throughout your day in a Diary and read it the next day so you will have a knowledge of it, that diary is now locked inside your safe and the lock combination is 11-22-19.

Now, before you hurry and open that safe to read the diary, you cannot because you vowed to yourself not to rely on your notes for one month, and that starts today.

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