(MT-02) : Sixto Muhlach

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Agatha entered the library and saw two desks opposite each other.

There are of course a lot of books about architecture, accountancy and Law, both she and Liam were architects but Liam always wanted to be a lawyer.

He just took architecture because of their family business, while she on the other hand just took architecture because of Liam it has been their agreement when they are still teens. She initially wanted to be a CPA.

They agreed to take architecture first so they can help out with the Muhlachs business and just take their desired course later on. She got no problem with that because Liam's parents treated her as their own even before her parents passed away.

She walked near a shelf where there are picture frames on it.

She counted the pictures, there are four for a shelf that can occupy 10 frames.

Such a waste of space, she thought.

She looked at those pictures one by one,

She recognized a picture of her and Liam when they are still in college, another solo picture of her that she cannot remember when it was taken. Maybe it was taken after the accident. It seems to be taken at the Muhlachs ancestral home, she can recognize their backyard as she and Liam spent countless times there together.

The next picture is a picture of her, Liam and Iñigo on the beach. It looks like it was taken just recently because she was sporting the same length of her hair which is just above her shoulder, what makes her wonder is that on the picture, Liam was hugging her from behind and the three of them seems to be having fun.

She frowned at that, given how jealous Iñigo was at Liam before.

Maybe the two of them are in good terms now?

She also assumed that she and Iñigo are not together anymore, otherwise he wouldn't let her live with Liam for four years now.

She cannot really blame Iñigo for that.

Who would want to have a girlfriend that needs to be taken care of everyday? How will it even work if she's a handicapped person?

She tried to find it in her heart if she's feeling any pain, but she cannot feel it.

Maybe the four years healed her.

The last picture frame was a photo with Liam's family.

There was his father, mother, him, her and a little girl sitting between the two elders.

She unconsciously touch the picture, wondering who that little girl is, she's really pretty. She cannot help but smile at that, maybe the girl is the daughter of one of Liam's cousin as the girl looks like the Muhlachs.

The little girl looks around like she's just two years old when the photo was taken.

She placed the picture back in the shelf and went over to what she assume is her desk because it looks more feminine than the other one.

She sat on the chair and noticed that her table have two small picture frames in there but they were empty.

That's the second time today that she found empty picture frames.

She stood-up and went to Liam's desk, she's expecting to see some picture frames as well but there was none.

She went back to her desk to find something to do but her mind is not really into doing anything right now so she just backed-off and went inside her bedroom.

She remembered Liam told her earlier that she will need to go to the office later this afternoon so she decided to check on the "summaries" of the people she might see in there.

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