Chapter 7: Garrett

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I must have fallen asleep on the car ride back, because when I woke up again, I was back at the hotel in my bed. I'm a little startled, so I get on my phone and see that Aven has left me a voice message. I click on it.

"Hey Noa, this is Aven. Did you know you're a really heavy sleeper? I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't budge. I thought you'd wake up when I carried you into the hotel, but you didn't and aren't even stirring as I record this. I hope you slept well. I just want you to know that whatever it was you didn't want to tell me, that you can. I want you to feel you can trust me.

"I know how hard it can be to lose those you're close to, so please don't feel you need to hide anything, okay? I'll see you tomorrow at the concert. Let's watch a movie before the concert. I'll pick you up tomorrow. Sweet dreams."

I sigh happily. Despite my brain's negative thoughts last night, maybe I was being too hasty. Would he really spend the time to record me a sweet message because he felt like he owed it to me? No, that can't be true. Maybe he was being truthful when he says we're going steady. He even called me his girlfriend! Now that I'm thinking about it, I never him about the title yesterday, either. Too many unanswered questions and assumptions.

I look at the clock. It's seven AM, so I get ready for the day before heading down to the dining room for my hotel breakfast. I get French Toast and fruit that tastes a lot better than the other hotel, making me appreciate Aven's kindness even more. I decide I should probably text him.

Noa_Berk: Thanks for the message. It was sweet.

CherryHead: Anytime. Like I always say, I meant all of it.

Noa_Berk: Thanks, but I just don't think I'm ready to talk about it yet.

CherryHead: Why not?

Noa_Berk: I don't want things to get awkward.

Cherryhead: Why would things get awkward?

Noa_Berk: Boys don't take no for an answer, do they?

Cherryhead: I'll leave it alone if you want.

Noa_Berk: No, it's fine. It's just that you called me your girlfriend at the interview last night.

CherryHead: Did I?

Noa_Berk: Yes, you did

CherryHead: Whoops, slip of the tongue

Noa_Berk: Is that what you want it to be? A slip of tongue?

CherryHead: Do you want it to be?

Noa_Berk: No

CherryHead: So you'd like to be my girlfriend?

Noa_Berk: Of course I would, stupid.

CherryHead: So this movie later can be a date?

Noa_Berk: Our hangouts have always felt like dates, honestly

Cherryhead: Yeah, they have. Glad you feel the same way

Noa_Berk: What if we don't feel the same?

Cherryhead: What do you mean?

Noa_Berk: Nevermind

Cherryhead: No really, what do you mean?

Noa_Berk: Nothing, Aven

I stopped answering after that. He wouldn't stop pestering me. I'm glad that I was already dressed and ready for the day, because Aven showed up to my hotel room unannounced about an hour into my art session.

"Fess up, Noa. What's going on with you?" He says as he enters the room.

"Hello to you too," I say.

"Seriously, Noa, you're worrying me a bit. What did you mean by that?" he asks. I sigh.

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