Chapter 9: Interruptions

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Liv still went a bit overboard on my makeup, but I can't complain. She puts her heart into it, and it takes so long that I would feel horrible complaining. Watching Aven get his makeup done was weird. You'd never think that a guy would need so many highlights to look good under the spotlight.

Yin did up my hair again, but still no trim, per Aven's request. I'll get him to agree one of these days, but I don't want to upset him by cutting it, so until then, I'll deal with the tangles of my mid-length hair.

Once we were both ready, we headed into the venue, and I got to watch Aven during his soundcheck and rehearsals, and then security led me to where I would get to watch the concert. They offered to let me listen from backstage, but watching him from a screen isn't the same feeling. It's been so long since I've been to a concert, I'm actually looking forward to it, as long as the crowd doesn't maul me.

One of the security guards brought me a drink and a soft pretzel. My new wheelchair has a cup holder, which is quite convenient so I'm not having to hold the drink throughout the entire concert. It seems like an eternity, but over time the venue quickly fills up, the lights dim, and the concert begins.

I feel a bit out-of-place considering I don't know Aven's songs by heart, like the rest of the fans who can sing along to every word, but I still enjoy myself as I sway to the beat, hum the parts that I know, and watch Aven have the time of his life. That's the real treat. He looks like he's having the time of his life up thee. He told me he still gets nervous when he goes on stage, but you can't tell. He looks like he's been doing this for years, when in reality this is his first tour.

"Alright everyone, we're dimming the lights for this next song," Aven says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "As you all know, I found my soulmate recently. Her name is Noa, and guys, she's incredible. The last time fans got involved, she got hurt. It was really scary, she was in the hospital because the fans felt threatened, they thought she was a fake. Well, I want to clear that up. Noa is real, and she is my soulmate. I've never been happier than I am now, as I spend time with her."

The crowd cheers, which relieves me a bit. Maybe they won't be hostile towards me anymore, so I don't have to feel so threatened.

"She's in the crowd tonight, and she asked that I sing this song for you guys. I thought she was crazy, wanting me to sing a song from a boy band, but she promised me you guys would go crazy about it. So get out your phone lights, and let's bring it down a bit," Aven says. The crowd cheers one last time, and everyone pulls out their phone flashlights. I was excited to enjoy the moment, but as the crowd quiets, I can clearly hear a conversation they did not mean for me to hear.

"Look, that's her. Aven's girl," someone from behind me says.

"For being in a wheelchair, she's smoking hot," another voice says. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I knew that the dress was a bad idea, but I wanted to make Aven happy, and I didn't think that I'd have any issues being in a wheelchair, but I was obviously very wrong.

"Want to try our luck?" the first voice asks.

"You sure man? Isn't she like, paralyzed?" the other voice asks.

"Doesn't mean we can't get off on her," the first voice says, sending a shiver down my spine. I need to get away, but the crowd is too dense. I can't even focus on Aven's voice serenading me. All I can hear is their crude remarks. Suddenly a hand is on my shoulder, making me jump.

"Hey, pretty lady," the guy says. Now that I can get a good look at him, he's gruff looking, with shaggy blonde hair, menacing green eyes, and a beard. Definitely too many years older than me. The other guy looks to be the same age as him, but brunette and with several piercings.

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