Chapter 2 | New Boy

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Keiji Akaashi. I've never seen a more handsome or kind boy ever in my life. If I could say so, he was better than any other guy I'd ever liked. He was thoughtful and compassionate. Quiet and reserved. He enjoyed reading and hoped to do something with it after graduating high school. He was very talented and polite. When you talked to him, you could tell he didn't mean any harm.


You were a second year at Fukurodani high. You were never popular neither did you have many friends. However hard you tried, people didn't really like you. You always seemed boring and annoying from the side. The only friends you had were Bokuto Kotaro and some of the members of the volleyball team.

Bokuto was your best friend. He was always there for you and was always reminding you that you don't need a lot of friends to be happy or have a good time. That's why you appreciated him. Kotaro was the only thing keeping you up and going.


You were sitting at your desk, doodling in your sketchbook as you waited for the class to start. Everyone in class except you had a person they sat with. Though It was boring and sometimes sad that you were alone, most of the time you didn't mind it. It's not like any of your classmates would like to be around you anyway and neither did you.

The bell rang as you took a big sigh.

"Do you think he's going to be weird like Yuki?"

"I don't know, I heard he's pretty cute." You heard a girl in front of you whisper to her friend.

You remembered that your teacher said something about a new student coming in not too long ago. You looked around and saw that the seat next to you was the only one available. Great. Some new person is going to sit with you. What if he asks about literately EVERYTHING? Or what if he breathes very loudly? Oh god, what if it's one of those gross messy ones?

"Good morning class!" The teacher said as he walked into the classroom. A dark-haired boy followed after him. He was dressed nicely and looked good. He was fidgeting with his hands though he didn't look nervous. "As I mentioned earlier this week, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

"Uhm- I'm Akaashi Keiji. I'm seventeen. I'm from a small town not too far from here. Uh, I like sports, reading, and writing. I'm not sure what else to say. That's it I guess." He said calmly.

"Akaashi, go sit next Yuki." The teacher said pointing at you. He quickly walked towards you and sat down.

"Hey." The boy said with a smile.


"Yuki, right?"

"Mhm." You hummed looking down at your paper.

Now you certainly did not expect him. He was the total opposite. Just from these few minutes, you could tell he wasn't going to be a bother.

The bell rang again, signaling that lunch started. You walked to your favorite spot, where you and Bokuto usually eat. You ate your food as fast as you could, to save some time for talking with your energetic friend.

"Hey, um could I sit here?" You heard from your side.

It was Akaashi. You nodded your head since your mouth was full, before quickly chewing down the food.

"Why'd you come here? To this school I mean."

"Oh well, my dad got a good job offer, so we moved."

"Cool cool. You said you like sports right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"What do you play?"


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