Chapter 9 | Confession

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"Come in! What took you so long?" You asked, letting Bokuto, Kaori, and Konoha in. "Everyone else is already here. Well, except for Akaashi."

"Oh? Isn't he coming?" Kaori asked curiously, while you looked down with a worried face.

"Yes, he's coming. He told me he left home twenty minutes ago."

"Oh shit. Should we go meet him?" Asked one of the three asked, but you just started putting your shoes on.

"No, I'll go alone. Bokuto- No, actually, Konoha, could you be so kind and watch this place while I'm gone?"

"Sure. Smart choice not picking Bokuto."


"Be safe. It's already dark outside." He said and led you out the door.

"Of course."

You walked out into the dark alley that was the shortcut to Akaashi's house. You texted Akaashi, frantically trying figure out where he was, because the walk from his house to yours was only 10 minutes away, even when taking the longer route.

Yuki < 3: where are you?

Yuki < 3: please answer the phone

Yuki < 3: Akaashi?

Yuki < 3: Keiji please

Yuki < 3: Keiji this isnt funny

kaashi: I'm sorry, I'm already on my way.

Yuki< 3: dont do that again

Yuki < 3: i'm coming to meet you i took the shortcut.

You slowed your pace, knowing he's was fine. You sighed deeply after seeing his silouete in front of you, which was almost running towards you. He ran toward you before wrapping you in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Where were you?"

"I... i wasn't sure if I should really come."

"You could've just told me if you didn't want to go." You said as he ran his fingers through your hair, still not letting go. "You really don't have to..."

"Stop it already. I came, didn't I? Let's go." He said, interrupting you.


You and Bokuto danced to the loud music like there was no tomorrow. The little lights swirled around all of you, starting to make you dizzy. When the song ended, Konoha took your phone and set a slower song. You took advantage of the break to get something to drink and eat. You walked over to the sofa where Akaashi was sitting alone watching all of the team dance.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" You said after sitting down, almost falling on him because you and Bokuto had been drinking so much.

"I don't know how to dance." He said softly.

You put your head on his shoulder giving him one of the drinks you were holding.

"You don't have to know how to dance to have fun. Now drink up."

"Fine, if you say so." He chuckled before taking a sip.

You slowly slid up to his height and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"And you told me you wouldn't drink a drop of alcohol," Akaashi said, leaning over to my ear..

"I'm not even that drunk. Besides, me and Boku made a deal." You answered before he placed his hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb up and down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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