Chapter 5 | "I'm proud"

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You sat down on the bench, further away from the other people. You were still wondering if you wanted to be the manager. It's not like you were needed or anything. They would probably be happier if you just left. You thought that the other managers didn't like you a lot, it wouldn't be pleasant working with them. But on the other hand, you could get to spend more time with Bokuto and Akaashi. You could help them improve. You could be there when they need you. Not somewhere in the crowd looking at them from afar.



You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice Konoha waking up to you.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good, I guess."

"You guess? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"Then do you look so upset? people don't frown over nothing."

"I just don't know what to do. Like I would love to be the manager, but I still want other people to enjoy being here."

"What are you trying to say?" Konoha asked as he sat down beside you.

"I don't see how other people here like me."

"Look, Yuki, to be simple nobody here hates you, or dislikes you. We like you here. At least I do. Even if you are Bokuto are childish I don't think it would be the same here without you. We would love it if you became our manager. So turn that frown upside down and go sign up." He warmly comforted you, as you felt one of the heavy weights being lifted off your back.

You walked up to Kaori and Yukie and asked: "Can I join?"

"Yes, of course. We'll do all the signing up stuff after practice okay?"

"I don't mind. Uhm, is there any way I can help out now?"

"You can go fill up the bottles."

"Alright." You said grabbing the bottles and walking away to fill them up.

You looked at the water, filling the bottle, thinking of what will really change. You didn't notice how long you took and after you realized that, you also came to the realization that those water bottles are very heavy.

"How do you do this shit." You whispered under your breath. You hurried back to the stadium, since the break was about to start and because your hands felt like they were about to break off.

The boys were practicing outside today. It was hot and sunny, with a slight wind. Almost perfect for practice. When you reached them, they were finishing running laps. Bokuto was laying in the grass, trying his best to steady his breath and wipe his sweat away. Akaashi was standing next to him, sweat dripping from his forehead, making his hair stick to his face.

"Why is it so hot?" Bokuto groaned.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Here." You apologized while setting the bottles down.

"Where have you been?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take so long"

"Don't do it again," Bokuto said angrily, taking a bottle and chugging it.

"Bokuto, just because you're tired does not make it an excuse to be angry at them," Akaashi said walking up to you and helping you hand out the bottles.

"Thanks." You said as you finished.

"Don't worry about it." Akaashi smiled as he struggled to wipe the sweat off of his forehead.

"How much do you sweat? Jeez." You said while giggling before picking up a towel.

He sat down on the grass as you sat down next to him. He put his hands behind his back, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. God, he was pretty. You crawled behind him and made him lay his head next to your crossed legs. You gently wiped his forehead with the towel while quietly admiring his beauty. He only laid and enjoyed the pure moment.

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