Chapter 4 | Celebration

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"Akaashi, I'm putting you on our starting line."


It's been a month since Akaashi moved. You, Bokuto, and Keiji were getting along nicely. You were starting to like him. A lot. You even started to spend more time with him than Bokuto. Bokuto didn't really mind, he was happy you found a new friend. Well, at least it looked like it...




"Am I really going to play?"

"Yes?" The coach looked at him weirdly.

You stood a bit further away with a big smile on your face. You looked at him as his eyes were shining out of excitement, even if his face looked calm and collected. He stood there still, his legs crossed and his hands behind his back. You could see he was excited.

A game was coming up. It was going to be Akaashis first high school game. He was super happy but nervous.


"Bokuto-san, what if I'm going to be too scared?" Akaashi asked as all of you walked over to the closest café.

"What do you mean?" Bokuto replied as he raised an eyebrow.

"What if I'm too scared to serve? What if I freeze in place?"

"Well, I don't really see that happening."

"But what if?" Akaashi asked in a calm and collected voice, but you knew he already was overthinking.

"Akaashi stop." I said quietly.


"I know you're overthinking. Stop." You said looking forward. "It's not that big of a deal and it's going to be okay. Plus, I'm gonna be there so there's nothing to be worried about. Right?" You said looking at him with a warm smile on your face.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Of course, they're right, Akaashi." Bokuto agreed, with a big smile on his face, like always.

Today you just went to a café to celebrate Akaahi's first upcoming high school game. He had his mind set on the fact that he was not going to play. He didn't get his hopes up coming here. So, he for sure was happy to hear the news.

You all walked into the café. A cat café. It was Akaashi's favorite. You two were frequent visitors there since you always went there after school and sometimes after practice if he wasn't too tired.

You quickly ordered your drinks and snacks before you went to sit down near one of the kitten beds. Bokuto ordered some hot chocolate, Akaashi ordered some matcha tea and you ordered your favorite drink, like always.

You all sat back down, playing with the kitties and sipping on your drinks.

"Can I try that?"

"You already tried it Bokuto. And you didn't like it." You say furrowing your eyebrows.


"Fine. Here" You said giving him your cup. He slowly took a sip and made a disgusting grin right after.

"How can you drink this stuff?"

"Oh, come on, you drink hot chocolate."

"At least it doesn't taste like shit."

"Sadly, it does"

"Guys, stop. People are looking." Akaashi said noticing that you both have been starting to get too loud.


"Tch." Bokuto sighed crossing his arms and looking away.

"Yuki, can I try it?" Akaashi asked, pointing to your drink.

"Sure thing." You answered as Akaashi took your cup and took a sip.

"It's nice. I like it."

"Wha- How?" Bokuto asked a bit frustrated.

"Bokuto-san, maybe your taste buds are broken or something?"

"I think they might be." You said as you both giggled a bit.

"They are not." He answered in an overly exaggerated way.

"Bokuto go back to drinking your hot chocolate."

You and Akaashi both played with the cats as Bokuto just did his things without you. He got mad at the two of you for teasing him, so he went to play with the kitties alone.

"Are you really that nervous? You asked, petting a cat.

"Yeah, a bit."

"This is only a bit?"

"What do you mean?"

"You overthought this so much. And you only got the news today. I'm worried about you."

"I'm gonna be ok. Don't worry." He said with a slight smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling? If you overthink this much it won't be good for you." "I'm okay, really, I promise."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Well, if you get nervous, I'll always be there, even when you're playing."

"Thanks. You really are a good friend." He said as you both smiled at each other. A small blush rested on Akaashis cheeks, knowing that you care for him. "And you should sign up to the managers too."

"I'm... Thinking about it." You said.

You never really wanted to be the manager. Not because it would be hard work, but because you always thought that most of the team doesn't have the best of feelings towards you. Working for the team would be great, you'd get to spend time with your friends but will they want to spend that time with you?

You were lost in thought, staring out into nothing as Akaashi let you. You quickly snapped back before looking over at Akaashi, who was petting a small kitty, the same color as his own hair.

"Do... You really think I should?" You asked quietly.

"Definitely." He answered, not looking away from the cat.


"We're heading out, Bokuto." You said picking up your backpack and tapping Bokuto on the shoulder. You and Akaashi walked out as Bokuto ran after you both. You giggled listening to Bokuto whine about not waiting for him.

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