Chapter 6 | Bad Place

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Almost another month has passed. You didn't think the manager's job would be this hard, but you liked it. The boys practiced a lot. They got better with each day. Not that they were bad at the start, they were quite good but improvements can always be made if you want.

You and Akaashi got even closer. You got much more comfortable with him always being around you. You opened up to him a lot and he did too. Keiji was always there to listen and to give you advice.

You really caught feelings. Bokuto was right. You did like him. You fell for his eyes and how they look at you while you're happy, you fell for his little smirk when he did something right. You fell in love with his hair and how it easily flows in the wind. You fell in love with his hands and how they held you when you were scared or anxious. You fell in love with his laugh with his voice. With him.


Today was the last day until the game. Bokuto was very confident in himself while on the other hand, Akaashi was a bit nervous. He kept messing up at practice and got annoyed easily.


"Fuck." Akaashi said scrunching up his nose after the set he threw to Bokuto flew past him.

This wasn't the first time this has happened. For the past week or so, Akaashi hasn't been ale to focus. It always seems like there's something on his mind. Something that bothers him and doesn't give him peace. He always misses sets, spaces out, doesn't catch the ball and it's been starting to annoy the whole team.

"Okay, let's have a break." The coach yelled. You had your head in your hands, not knowing how to help him anymore. "Akaashi, you have to get it together. Enough of this." The coach said as Akaashi looked at the ground.

"Yes, sir, I'll try." He said as the coach let him go.

You walked up to Akaashi. He looked disappointed in himself. You took a long sigh. "What's up?"

"I don't even know anymore." He responded, throwing his hands out from frustration.

"Do you want to talk about it? Alone?"

"That would be nice." He answered bluntly.

He watched you nod and walk up to the coach. Keiji saw you say something to him as he nodded in response. You quickly walked back.

"C'mere." You said taking his hand and dragging him out of the gym.

You held tightly onto his hand as he slowly followed you behind. You both walked to a bench, a little bit further from the gym so he would feel more comfortable. You sat down and made Akaashi lay his head on your thighs.

"Now you talk. Let everything that's bothering you in here, out." You said while pointing to his heart.

He hesitated for a second.

"I don't know what's up with me lately. I overthink everything so so much. I hate it. I feel useless here." He said, his voice cracking a bit. "I feel like I'm just a bother to everyone here. Why don't you just leave me? What good do you see in me? How do I not annoy you?" He said as a couple of tears rolled down his face.

You ran your fingers through his hair as he looked up at you.

"Why do you stay?" He asked.

His voice shaking as tears rolled down his face. You looked away, your heart was aching in pain. He didn't even say a lot but it already hurt you.

"Akaashi, why would you think like that?" You asked wiping a tear off of his face with your thumb. "The things you think of are completely false. Don't ever think like that again." You continued with a worried expression. He sat up and wiped his tears off.

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