He finds out

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Regie pov:
I  yell "Ollie come here what is this!?" Ollie comes in the bathroom in a panic he says "What!? whats wrong!?" I ended up pointing to the counter he start to stutter over his words again.

Ollie pov:
I started to stutter because I was so anxious that he found out. "u-um i-i don't k-know why would i-i know" Regie looks at me becasue he can tell im lieing I end up look at the floor because I was to scared to make eye contact with him. I keep playing with my finger behind my back I hear Regie walk towars me My heart is racing even faster now.

Regie pov:
I walk over to Ollie "Oliver, what is it from tell me now." I was so mad and sad at the same time but my anger took control Ollie was still loking at the ground "Oliver Moy look at me what is that from huh!". He still didn't i pinned him against the wall.

Ollie pov:
Regie pinned me against the wall i was so red he kept asking me to look at him but I was to scared and anxious to. He is sliding him hand up my arm I wince fomr the pain he cause because he is gripping my arm tight and it burns so bad. He step away from he seeing that i'm in pain.

Regie pov:
"How mnay days?" I asked Ollie he kept wincing from me touching his arm I knew what he was doing I had done it in my teenage years aswell. I was so sad I didn't like that fact that he was cutting himself. Ollie just looks up at me and says "h-huh what do you m-mean?". I look him directly in the eyes and I say "I'm not fucking stupid Ollie I know what it is!" Ollie look at me shocked and scared. "Show. Me. your. arms. NOW!. He just hid his arms behind his back "N-no I won't show you them Regie why would I need to!". "Ollie I used to self harm to its not good for you it can put you in the hospital it can kill you ollie, KILL YOU!". He look liked he was about to cry. I calm down a little bit and hold out my hands for him to place his arms in.

Ollie pov:
Regie holds out his hands and I know why. I end up putting my arms in his hands. He starts rolling up my sleeves and I whine at the burning it cause he slows down a little bit seeing as it hurts me if he rolles my sleeves to fast. After he is done he sees how bad my arms are he looks so scared and like hes about to cry.

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