He was right

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Oli pov: 

Regie kept glancing over at me during the video he looked really worried. I not gonna lie I started getting really hot and sweaty my vision was going in and out. I acted fine because I didn't want to worry anyone especially Regie. It was my turn to spin the wheel but I ended up stumbling. 

Regie pov:

Oli stumbled to the wheel when it was his turn I scared me low key. He keeps worrying me he hasn't taken off layers yet and it's over 95 degrees. After Oli spun the wheel he blinked fast for a couple seconds, it seemed like he vision wasn't well because h asked someone what he landed on. I told him "Oli you got..." (all the boys "CLAM CHOWDER") Oli then walked I've for the chair.

Oli pov:

I walk over to the chair and I sit down and my vision goes full on blurt and there is ringing in my ears. Regie stands in front of me tapping his foot and biting his nail I can tell he's anxious. 

Regie pov: I'm standing in front of Oli and notice his eyes start to roll back and his eyes shut. His eyes shut and I run over to him he PASSED OUT. I run iver to him trying to wake him up. I pick him bridal style and everyone helps me get him in the house. I lay him on the couch and I hold his hand and I make sure he has a pulse it's there but it's kinda faint. Kane called 911 while Ryan was busy calming down Sebastian (yes there dating just for right now in the story) while Darren was calming down Justin who was sitting in his lap crying (yes they are dating to).

Sorry cliff hanger and I made this part on my phone instead of my chromebook so if it looks different sorry

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