The After Math

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Regie pov:
I saw Olies arms and I was so sad I was scared even. I backed up one step and just stood and stared. I didn't know what to say I had no idea to handle something this bad I didn't know what to do I just stood there in fear/shock.

Oli pov:
Regie looked scared he looked like he was about to sit head in his knees, rocking back and fourth and cry. I didn't know what to do I just scared the person that I like. wait what am I saying I like girls maybe ugh idk not the time. I walked over to Regie I just hugged him and he cried and cried. I said "shh shh its okay Regie im sorry I thought that it would help me with my feelings". I began to cry.

Regie pov:
"Oli why would you do that to yourself why? you have pople that love you talk to us". Oli said "I didn't want to be a burden or annoying. I cupped his face with my hands and said "Oli you need to talk about your feeling not handle them like this if anyone says your annoying or a burden because of that they aren't really your friends did you do this anywhere else?

Oli pov:
Regie asked me if I did it anywhere else I was to scared to tell him. "U-um gimme a minute and I'll show you." I went into the bedroom took of my sweatshirt and shirt I took off my pants and put shorts on so he could see my thighs. I walk back into the room Regie looks me up and down to see what I have done. He runs over and hugs me I hug him back I just cry and cry.

Regie pov:
Oli hugs me back and he just cries and cries i just hold him in my arms. After a little bit on of the boys yell "GUYS WE GOTTA FILM NOW LET GO!!!" I tell Oli that we gotta film he throughs on 2 shirts 2 pairs of pants and plus a sweatshirt. I worry that he is gonna get really hot because it almost 100 degress out I tell him that he shouldn't wear that many layers.

Oli pov:
Regie tells me I shouldn't wear that many layer because he is worried that ill get really hot and dehydrated and pass out "I'll be fine Reg don't worry about me i'll bring water with me and a blue gatorade okay?"

Regie pov:
"Oli I'm gonna start worrying baout you more and more now because of what you just showed me". Oli looks like dissapointed and sad. I kiss his forehead and cheek hoping he will feel better and hoping he gets the hint that I like him but thats doesn't matter rn.

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