This Wasn't Meant to Happen

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Oli pov:
we were only a couple miutes away from home I was still in Regies lap. I missed him so much..WAIT why am i thinking like that. Maybe I like him, I'll think about it more when I get home. After a little while we arrived home I had to wake Regie up so I decided to flirt with him just a bit. I turned around in his lap and whispered in his ear. "Darling~ time to get up". He then started to wake up.

Regie pov:
I heard someone whisper in my ear 'Darling~ time to get up'. I woke up and relised that it was Oli I blushed so hard. I was the one looking like a tomato now. I decied to get my revenge right then and there i replied with "mmm~ I don't get a good morning kiss with that sweet wakeup message sweetheart". Oli looked at me with complete shock while turnign red he buried his face in the nook of my neck. I picked him up payed the Uber driver and sadi sorry for taking so long and gave him a $5 tip. I carried all the way inside to the front door I opened it and everyone was upset I could hear Ryan tellign Seb who was shaking his leg that he needs to eat same with Justin and Darren, but Justin was sitting in his lap while Darren was tell him he needs to eat no one relised us come in the door so I told Oli to do something nice for all of them.

Oli pov:
I did what Regie asked everyone else saw me besides Ryan and Seb so I just put my finger to my mouth telling  them to stay quiet. I walked up behind Seb and I saw that he had 2 long lines on his wrist I had tears so I hugged him around his neck he truned around and  got up ran up to me and cried we both sunk to the floor. Everyone one by one started to join the hug. "I'm home guys I'm home and for good this time".

Darren pov:
"We all missed you so much Oli we couldn't function properly without you we were all fighting and arguing"
Seb pov:
"Yeah I ended up cutting and Manger Ty has decided to do arm checks and the whole group has to be there when we do it, but you don't need to worry your the happiest person out of all of us, while you were gone I also ended up punching Darren in the face, Sorry again Darren I was just really upset"
Darren pov:
"Its cool Seb I get it I should of just respected the fact that you wnated to be alone"

Oli pov:
"W-wait manger Ty is doing arm checks..." I started to panic inside a lot. before I couls say naything else Manger Ty walked in.

Ty pov:
Alright boys line up army style and roll up your selves, Alright Seb let me see good, Ryan good, Justin good, Darren good, Kane good I would hope so, Regie good, Oli your turn put out yours arms"

Oli pov:
I was panicing I couldn't even say anything I just did as I was told regie hugged me from behind whispering "Oli it's gonna be okay shhh your okay you have me here shhh its okay everything is gonna be okay" Manger Ty rolled up my sleves and he was so shocked and scared just like regie was everyone else saw and they all did the same thing except Regie he was crying still whispering things to me.

Ty pov:
O-Oli what have you done....

Authors note:
Hello Reader I'm sorry I hven't updated in a while there been a lot of stuff going on in my life it was hard to get motivation to write I apologize. I hope you enjoyed this chapapter the next one will be upload soon I hope but I dont have a date yet. Anyway bye for now guys!

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