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Raj entered in Shanaya's office...

" Well.....hii.....I- " he stopped as he saw that Shanaya was sleeping on her desk..

He went closer and started staring at her while a smile adored his face..

Soon she woke up and the first thing she saw was Mr. Raj staring at her

She got frightened and jumped back a little.

" Ohh my......"
( She said while closing her eyes and keeping a hand on the left side of her chest )

" Well.... Did I scared you a bit..?" he asked

" A bit???..... You scared the shit out of me Mr. Raj.... please don't do this from next time..."

" Okok I won't.... I am sorry"

( He said while laughing a bit )

" Ok then let's talk about our deal then... Please take your seat Mr. Raj"

He did.

She pulled out some papers from her drawer....

" What is this now?"

" A contract"

" A contract?"

" Yes you heard it right Mr. Raj some important points are mentioned in here...... You can take as much time you want to read this.."

" Well... It will be better if you will tell me cause it's written so professionally so..."

"Okok so.....

1." Mr. Raj and Miss. Shanaya are willing to be in this fake relationship and no one is forcing them.... Right?"

"Yeah right" he said in approval

"2. During this period of their fake relationship... Neither party A nor party B can get committed to any other love relationship"
You agree?

" Yeah" he replied again

"3. Both the parties have to react like a very good and lovey dovey couple in front of Miss. Shanaya's family"


"4. Mr. Raj can not touch Miss. Shanaya without her will.... And both the parties will have a good distance whenever they will be alone...."

" Excuse me!!! Do I look like a pervert to you??.....well let me tell you I am a gentleman and I would never TOUCH YOU or ANYONE ELSE without their will.. did you get that??"
( he said while getting up )

" Oh.. my apologies sir..."

" Yeah.... Continue"

( He took his seat again )

" 5. Mr. Raj will not FLIRT with Miss. Shanaya...."

He again got up...

" Sorry but I can't accept this 5th one..... Like you know flirting is in my blood and I would never stop that but ok I will try.... But I can't assure you that....."

" I expected this only.."
She said while rolling her eyes

"Wait! What if  Miss. Shanaya gets interested in Mr. Raj....... What if she would try to touch him......
( He said while walking closer to her and Shanaya was taking her steps back... )

She was about to hit her head with the sharp piece of glass when raj yelled


She got frightened again and lost her balance

She closed her eyes as she was ready to fall and hit the floor but it never happened....
To her surprise.......she was being held safely in someone's arms and she herself was holding something for support...

Soon she slowly opened her eyes and the reality hit her.......
That Mr. Raj was holding her and she was holding Raj's tie for support....
( soon they were staring at each other...)

" Well....... I think..... If you are not willing to leave me then.... Shall I pick you up and make you sit back....?"
Raj said while looking straight into her eyes....

She immediately freed her....

" Oh- I....I am really sorry....i....I don't know I just....-"

" It's okay"

" Well... Then when we are leaving?"

" Umm..... Day after tomorrow "

" Ok then......see you....."

" Yeah"

He was leaving but again turned around and Shanaya was just looking at him like why did he stopped now??

" Well.... Miss. Shanaya.."

" Yes?"

"You look cute while blushing...."

She widened her eyes after hearing his words...

" You!!!!...- "
And before she can say anything..... He left her cabin...

" And he says that he is not a pervert.... Idiot"

She said to herself and smiled......


Ok another chapter completed!!!!

See ya❤️

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