Part1-chapter5: need a hand?

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Word count: 1689

Rivers pov:

As I had switched the music on I heard bill come into the room.
"Hey riv, you ready to go?"
Thank god he didn't hear me
"Yeah let's go bill, whats the plan now?"
"We'll me and the band have to go do something and your brothers are going to the football game"
"Oh okay, we'll I need to go home and finish my homework and then I have something to do, when will you guys be back?" I asked while opening the door of the room into the hallway
"We should be home around 3-4 o'clock and what do you have to do?"
We walked down the hallway to the door
"We'll I kinda started dance again and we have a flash mob like next week so I have my lesson at home so"
He opened the door of the building for me "oh yeah okay well we'll drop you off at home after we've dropped your brothers off at the game 'Kay?"
"Yeah that's fine"
We got into the car and dropped my brothers off at the stadium and then we pulled up on my front, I got out of the car and started walking to my front door unlocking it and shutting it behind me before it opened again and someone walked through it I turned around to be met with the one person i was avoiding today.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed, he smirked and replied "I wanna know why you haven't spoken to me all day?" I scoffed "yeah we'll maybe don't call me a bitch and start a whole ass argument because I was on the phone with a boy okay?, now you better go before they get mad at you" he smiled "oh I came for my guitar it's upstairs in Reagans room, and I didnt mean to start an argument last night it's just I don't wanna see you get hurt"
"We'll Tom if I choose to take that chance and I do get hurt then it's my decision and don't worry if he hurts me you'd be the last person I'd want to talk to, about "don't come crying to me when you get hurt"(I said in air quotes), the first thing that would come out of your mouth would be I told you so and that would just make me feel 10x worse then I probably would be feeling, and like you'd give a fuck anyways if I did get hurt" I snapped he made me so made that I actually snapped at him he looked down and then back up at me "you wouldn't come to me if you was hurt?" He asked "no I wouldn't, nor would I come to you if I needed help because you clearly don't care" at this point he had already grabbed his guitar and was standing in front of me, he looked mad.
"We'll I do care, I care more then I should but since you don't believe that then I guess I should stop caring, and just for the record if you would've called me at three in the morning hurt, and you needed help I would've been there within 5 minutes because that's how much I care" he said gripping his guitar so hard his knuckles turned white.
"We'll you have a funny way of showing that you care you pick on me the most you make me feel so shit about myself and do you know what I would've done the exact same for you but clearly this friendship isn't working" I said mad.

Just then there was a knock at the door and I went straight to the door and answered it, it was my dance coach and my new dance partner jack, I hugged him tightly and told them to come in and head straight to the back garden as I needed to change and they did, I walked back over to Tom "you should go I'm busy and your bands waiting outside." "Who was that?"
He mumbled looking down
"Huh?" I asked him "Ich fragte, wer war dieser Junge, auf den du dich im Grunde nur geworfen hast?" ("i said who was that boy who youve basically just thrown yourself at?") I rolled my eyes "Mein neuer Tanzpartner, jetzt warten die Bands darauf, dass du gehen musst" ("my new dance partner now the bands waiting fir you yoo need to go") he looked at me funny before walking out of the door before slamming it shut I sighed why was he acting like this?

An hour later and me and jack had finally nailed our routine when I hear a van door shut and laughter and voices coming threw my house onto the back towards us. It was the band I walked up to hill and started speaking to him in Spanish
"hey, ¿qué están haciendo de vuelta, son solo 2?" ("hey what are you guys doing back its only 2") he smiled and hugged me before letting go and saying "regresamos porque los chicos y yo no queremos dejarte aquí con otras dos alegrías que no conocemos, además Tom no quería que te pasara nada porque no estábamos allí para protegerte, ¿has terminado tu rutina?" ("were back because Me and the guys dont want to leave you here with two other joys who we dont know, also Tom didnt want anything to happen to you because we wasnt there to protect you, have you finished your routine?") I smiled "no tienes nada de qué preocuparte estos dos son geniales, también sí, ¿quieres verlo?"
("you have nothing to worry about these two are great, also yeah we did you wanna see it?") he smiled and nodded before making the band sit on the patio furniture and me and jack got into our positions as the coach pressed play on the music.

I smiled at jack and let go of his neck before hearing someone get up and slam the back door closed, I looked over to see that it was Tom who had walked off, I looked at bill and he was sat smiling at me like a proud father I smiled back and said goodbye to jack and walked him and the coach out, I shut the door and went back to bill, "so what'd you think?" He smiled at me before saying "you was amazing I knew you said you could dance but I didn't think you was that good!" I smiled at him wondering where Tom had gone off too, "we'll I'm gonna go upstairs, I got homwork I need to do so I'll be back down in an hour or two to start dinner, he nodded "okay we'll me and the G's are gonna go to our garage to practise a bit if you run into Tom tell him that's where we are" I smiled and walked off going up the stairs into my room.

I walked in to see Tom laid face forward on my bed, I giggled at him and walked over to my desk grabbing my homework and starting it, I ignored toms presence continuing my homework, it must have been about half an hour when I had started to struggle with the last question, I was reading over my work when I felt the chair get pulled out to my bed and turned around as I was no face to face with Tom.

"What?" I asked he looked at me "I'm sorry about earlier and last night" he said in a low voice not looking at me "it's fine but if you do it again Tom I mean it I won't speak to you again" he smiled knowing that he was forgiven "you dance?" I looked at him confused "yeah you've seen the photos Tom there on my photo wall" he looked over smiling "yeah but that was tutus and ballerina dancing the way you was dancing then was hot!" He said with a proud smirk on his face, I giggled at him and looked away before he pulled my chin to face him "but I didn't like how you was dancing like that with him" he said like it was poison rolling off his tongue with a disgusted face, I laughed "he's only my dance partner Tom" he looked even more disgusted "I don't like the way he can touch your body like that!" He said snarky "Tom jacks gay" I said laughing he looked at me with a shocked expression on his face "oh my god I feel so stupid right now" he laughed nervously I smiled at him " look I've gotta finish this homework It's the last question and then I'm done and I'm really struggling so can you let the chair go so I can finish?" I asked since he's had his hands grabbing into the arms of the chair since he pulled me over to him.

He laughed "need a hand?" I smiled at him and nodded as he pushed the chair back to the desk and leaned over my shoulder to help me.

That night ended with Tom helping me with my math, we eventually went downstairs and we ordered pizza since I couldn't be arsed to cook and we sat watching movies listening to music laughing and talking the night away, if I would have known how it would have ended I would have cherished that moment while it lasted

Hey guys, the writer here I'm so sorry my original plan was I was going to post a new chapter everyday but I'm so busy so I'm gonna change it to a new chapter every week, I'm gonna write them when I can and leave them as a draft until every Friday and post a new chapter every Friday, also I've been thinking about doing another Tom story, I've recently just read my living nightmare and if you haven't read it I advise you to it's filled with so many plot twists , let me know if you guys would want something like that with a mafia Tom,
Have a blessed day 🩷

The girl next door is mine  - Tom Kaulitz x fem readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz