New dares and pranks

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Hey people!!! BTW people have been saying i write some things that don't make sense like 50p, it's 'cuz i'm British and that's our currency for 50 pence.


1) Hug a stranger

2) Run up to a stranger and keep calling them your mother

3) sing a song in public loudly and see how many will join in

4) cosplay in public and see how many people will recognize you

5) Skip down the road giving strangers flowers

6)Throw pokeballs at people and shout "I've caught you Pokemon!"

7)sing a song relating to every sentence someone says and see how annoyed they get.

8) Though the ultimate dare is..............DO NOT's impossible

9) Cross dress as the other gender for the day stating that you're the long lost twin

10) have a fake death in public

11) Call an take away place thingy (where you get food) and ask whether they have prepared the food for the queen, and when their like: what?: you tell them their a useless butler

12) If you have a friend on the other side of the world, tell them to place a bread slice on the flour and you also place a bread slice on the floor to make.... a world sandwich


I also made a tumblr account called "lovesharesmile"- i'm new to tumblr

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