Funny story

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Hi again

Soz I haven't upload

Been busy

Running out of ideas.

Here's a funny story to read,

Which I did not make,

I changed it in some places.

Found it somewhere

That makes 1./. Sense

And is very awkward







Once upon a time there was a gorilla named Pop, who had a pet lollipop, called Henry. One day he fell down into a dark hole, when he fell and reached the bottom he ate a pineapple- which was sleeping under a dictionary- under the bed.

A puppy named dress and a kitten named marshmallow came and took Pop to Battersea cats and dogs home. Unfortunately there was a Rottweiler which the gorilla wanted to eat, distraughted that the keepers would not let him eat the Rottweiler, he punched the the Rottweiler and the guards.

Five days later Pop escaped and became a gangster. He changed his name to Chocolate because he was brown and did not like chocolate.

Chocolate met Snoffy, a fat greasy caterpilla, who was eating peanut butter and a jelly sandwhich, which smelled of rotten cabbages and vinigar poridge. Chocolate ate some of his sandwhich, then gave some to the queen of sloths.

It was great because the queen, who's name was Ping Pong loved cabbages, but unfortunately she was allergic to peanut butter, so it resulted in her loosing in her loosing all her hair on her 25th birthday.

Chocolate soon went to jail for giving the sandwich to the queen.

Snoffy married a dog named dress.

I bought pancakes.

I ate them.

Bought some skittles.

Threw them at people.

I laughed

I cried

I am bored.



So yeah.

Tell me what you think.

Weird story.

It was very short.

Not all mine,

I made little changes.

Also I'm running low on ideas, so plz feel free to give me ideas for anything.

Probably wont be updating soon, Im busy,





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