what not to do in exams

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I would not recommend you doing these in an actual exam, you may be punished. These are only meant for entertainment purposes only, if you do do (hahaha do do) any of these and get in trouble I will not be help responsible.

○Bring in a pillow and fall asleep (or pretend) then at the last 15 minutes wake up and say "Almighty me, better get cracking on!" and write gibberish work, hand it in a few minutes later.

○ Make paper airaplanes out of the exam, then trow them at the instructor.

○ Talk the entire way through your exam, reading the questions and your answers aloud. If you are asked to stop sassily say "I'm so sure you can hear me thinking" then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is.

○ On the answer sheet find new inventive ways of refusing to answer the question. e.g. An alien won't let me write the answer, or e.g.2 I can't answer this question as it conflicts with my religious beliefs about the spaghetti monster.

○ Bring in you pet iguana

○ Run into the exam room looking around franticly, the say to the instructor "They've found me! I have to leave the country." Then run out again.

○ Do the exam with fluorescent markets, crayon and colouring pencils.

○Come into the exam wearing slippers, a bathrobe, a towel on your head, and nothing else.

○ Do the exam in another language, if you don't know one make one up.

○ Stand up and rip the exam papers into little pieces then throw them up in the air shouting "Merry Christmas!" and then ask for a new one stating you lost your previous one. Repeat the process again.

○ As soon as you are given the paper, eat it.

○ Do the exam as if it were a multiple choice question or true/ false. If it is already one spell out random words.

○ Bring a black marker, and sensor random things, when handing it in state that it was too vulgar for people to read.

○ Ever know and the clap your hands twice quickly, and if anyone asks say " The light bulb in my head has a clapper switch, duh."

○Come into the exam wearing a black cloak then half way through the exam pull out a wand put on your death eater mask shouting "The dark lord will rule over all!"

○ When you get you exam look at it and laugh loudly saying "I can't read."

○ Call the instructor over and ask for the answer to the question, try to get him/ her to give it.

○ Try to get the people in the room to do a wave.

○Play frisbee with a friend.

○ Bring a musical instrument with you and play tunes on it. If asked to stop, challenge them to find the section that forbids instruments in exams. When they can't tell them "told you so."


hey hey sorry i din't upload this sooner it was saved as a draft and not published, and i did not realise.

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