Tom x Reader: Drive Thru

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It was around 2 am and Y/n was laying in bed with her boyfriend who was snoring loudly beside her. She kept tossing and turning not being able to fall asleep, when she looked at her alarm clock she finally realized what time it was and let out a soft groan. Slowly she sat up and bed and shook Tom gently. "Tom wake up, I'm hungry." Y/n whispered and Tom being him rolled right over waving her off "Go to sleep it's 2 in the damn morning."

"Either you get up or I go by myself." Y/n muttered as she slid out of bed slipping on a pair of shorts and one of Toms baggy shirts. Eventually Tom sat up his dreads a complete mess from rolling around in bed. Y/n got shoes on and looked at Tom smiling "I want Taco Bell" she said making Tom shake his head as he grabbed his keys not caring to change out of his basketball shorts and lose tanktop he used at pajamas. Slowly they made their way through their house and went out to the garage getting in Tom's sports car after Tom even though he was tired opened the door for Y/n being a gentleman. Because it was so late there was barely traffic so being the date devil Tom was he was speeding down the roads while having the stereo turned up playing whatever came on.

Slowly they pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru and ordered a bunch of food most for Y/n.

"I hope you know this is how I show my love to you." Y/n said with an innocent face as Tom just rolled his eyes. "Well this food better be worth it since I left my warm and comfy bed to come get it at 2 am" y/n giggled a little and gave Tom a kiss which he reluctantly pulled away from so he could pull up to the window. Whenever they got the food Tom quickly sped home to get back in bed though he made sure to carry some of the food and open the doors for Y/n. When they got into the bedroom she laid all the food on the bed and put on a movie while they ate. Though halfway through eating Y/n was trying to talk about the Harry Potter movies when she heard quiet snores.

When she turned around, Tom was asleep with one of his cheese roll ups hanging out of his mouth. "Oh my god he's such a dumbass." She quickly grabbed her camera and took multiple pictures from different angles "Oh I look good in all angles" Y/n mocked Tom from something he told her in the past, "I'm so showing these to bill tomorrow when we go to lunch."

The next day when they did go to lunch with Bill, y/n was showing him all the pictures quietly snickering while Tom smoked a cigarette looking at them confused. He eventually took the camera from y/n's grip getting fed up with the secretness between the two. When he started to flip through the pictures from the night before it was like steam was coming out of his ears "Oh I'm so getting you back for this when you least expect it."

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