Bill x Reader: Don't Jump

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Y/n had a lot of problems at home with her parents and Bill knew that. He was the only one who knew that. Let alone know everything about each other. Y/n was having one of her nights where she couldn't take it anymore and she tried calling Bill to help with the thoughts. Bill was at rehearsals for the band because they were going on tour soon and they wanted to brush up on their songs. Meaning he left his phone in the studio in his jacket and it wasn't in his pocket like usual.

Y/n called him multiple times before giving up 'what if he just doesn't want to deal with my problems anymore.' Y/n slowly got up and grabbed her shoes slowly walking downstairs past her dad who was passed out on the couch holding a leather belt in his hand that made y/n cringe at the look of it. When she was finally out of the house she went to an abandoned building her and Bill found adventuring one day and made it their meet up spot. She climbed a series of stairs, finally getting up to the roof which was very high from the ground. Slowly but weakly she hoisted herself up to the edge of the building looking down at her phone one last time. She hit Bills contact name one last time. When he didn't answer she wrote him a goodbye text and sent it.

As soon as she sent it Bill and the band had just finished rehearsals and he was grabbing his jacket going through his phone looking at all the missed calls y/n had left. But then, he saw the message. He immediately knew something was wrong and ran towards the abandoned building. Luckily it wasn't that far from the studio so he ran with all his might and saw y/n standing at the very top looking down at the city lights. "My Love don't jump" He yelled up towards her figure which just stood there silently not moving, "The lights of the city will not guide you, they are deceiving you." When he realized y/n wasn't listening he quickly ran up all the flights of stairs desperate to get to his true love. There was so many times when he wanted to stop but he knew if he stopped for a slight second it could cost him Y/n's life.

When he got to the roof y/n was already facing him still on the edge "I thought you didn't care anymore." Tears were streaming down her face as she sniffled a little. "My love I would never stop caring about you." He slowly took steps towards her and she backed up a little bit. "Stay right there don't come near me!"

Bill looked at y/n with worry in his eyes "Please don't do this, think about all the memories of me and you" he held out his hand towards y/n as she looked behind her shoulder. "I'm sorry bill I love you." Slowly she held her arms out and leaned back falling off the side of the building. Bill ran to the edge as fast as he could but when he got there it was too late.

Months later after y/n's death Bill wrote a song called "Don't Jump" for y/n and the band plays it every tour and every concert to have in her memory.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz Imagines ❤️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora