Tom x Reader: Detention

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Everyone was getting to their assigned seats for English. Everyone dreaded Mr. Wilson because one he talked slow and two would yell at you for taking a single step around the room. Y/n was known to be Mr. Wilson's target in that class for someone to antagonize, which causes her to act out so he can stick her with detention every now and then. Today was one of those days, y/n sat next to Tom and bill was on his other side. They used to be really close but as they got older they drifted apart but still talk occasionally.

As Mr. Wilson walked in Y/n was in her personal journal drawing some random things. "Mrs. L/n put the journal up this isn't art class now." He looked at her through his glasses and she rolled her eyes putting the book away, "Class hasn't even started yet why are you trying to complain about me drawing." Y/n mumbled which Mr. Wilson heard. Tom looked at y/n a little surprised because she never tries to fight with Mr. Wilson. "Well if you feel that way Mrs. L/n maybe you should start teaching my class then." Y/n looked up finally fed up with Mr. Wilson "Well you know what Mr. Asshole I would probably teach these fucking students a lot more about English in one day then you do in a whole week." Mr. Wilson looked stunned at her outbreak and started writing her a detention slip. "Detention NOW." Y/n got up and walked over snatching the slip from his grip walking out while slamming the door behind her. Tom wanted to talk to Y/n so he purposely shoved his books of his desk and knocked over y/n's empty desk "Fuck this class bro" he looked at Bill and winked. "Mr. Kaulitz you just got yourself a one way ticket to detention as well." He wrote another slip and gave it to Tom on his way out.

When Tom got to the Detention room it was a bunch of empty desks besides y/n who was sitting in the middle desk. There was not teacher in there at all when Tom walked in y/n had earbuds in while drawing in her journal. He took the initiative and sat in the desk directly beside Y/n, when she noticed he was here she quickly took out her earbuds "What are you doing here," Tom shrugged a little and smirked "I kinda told Mr. Wilson fuck his class and he sent me here." Y/n chuckled and patted his shoulder "Welcome to the club."

After a while of talking it seemed like they never stopped talking all those years ago. It kinda reminded them both of the feelings they had for each other. When they both went and got lunch and came back to the detention room they both kept sneaking looks of each other remembering the old memories on why they fell for each other. At the near end of the day y/n got this boost of confidence to tell Tom how she felt. She got up and threw some trash in her book bag away but when she came back she leaned over his desk and Tom looked up at her messing with his lip piercing with a pink tent on his cheeks. "I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension, let me crawl up into your mind did I mention? Pretending everything is alright is detention." Tom leaned in and kissed y/n which made her wrap her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Y/n and Tom started dating after that and usually used detention as their escape from Mr. Wilson. Today during class Mr. Wilson was brushing off their antics today and was taking longer than usual to send them to detention. Y/n slide a pink sticky note folded up to Tom and winke as he opened it "Baby can you meet me, today in detention." As he read the note she stood up and purposely knocked over Mr. Wilson's coffee making it go all over his papers sending her straight to detention.

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