Did you just eat my apple?

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"This movie is so weird. Why do you like it?" Sabrina asks Eddie.

"It's nice. It gets scary at the end though." Eddie says as they're both watching Paranormal Activity together.

"It's getting late. I'm gonna get my, $50 pajamas." Sabrina says in a tone that indicates that she's bragging. "They're rose gold and look rather smashing in them! I would never be caught dead in a T-shirt and pajama pants."

"And yet you chose to use one of my pillows instead of bringing your own."

"Umm, we do not speak of that."

Sabrina walks away and takes her adorable luggage that has teddy bear keychains decorating the plain white.

Eddie pauses the movie and walks to the kitchen to grab an apple.

"See Eddie? Much better than your old hellfire shirt that you made me wear last time because I forgot my clothes."

"Hellfire is still better."

Sabrina sits down and steals the apple from Eddie's hand and takes a bite. She starts eating it and when there's barely any room left for two more bites, she hands it back.

"Thanks for the apple. You can have it back."

"I still wonder why we're friends. You're still cute though."

Apples  ||Sabrina Harrington x Eddie Munson||Where stories live. Discover now