Chapter Twenty

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Long Night

King Fionn had stayed behind as the pink elf had escorted me back to Valentina and my mother. He had quickly guided us down similar stairs to the ones we had first entered their court from. The passageway led us to a long hall and at the end of it were six doors leading to guest chambers. This wing was further down into the earth than we were before. With each step took I was more mystified by how they constructed their home. They honestly were brilliant.

"These are your chambers for the night sir Alexander," The elf murmured beside me. "If none of you are married you are not permitted to accompany the same room. All guests must follow the same protocol we do at court." Without a response, he opened one of the rooms and with his small hand he took hold of my mother's hand and walked her to her room. Then he did the same for Valentina.

Once both were in their room the elf turned to me and followed me in mine and closed the door behind us. I didn't even get to view the room before his voice broke the silence, "My name is Prince Hamish," I had turned back to him to give him his attention. "My father is extending his hand to you, so I am extending mine. However, he still reminisces about the time when there was no war. Were our kind could be impassive of the other's problems. It was such a rich time when culture was able to prosper, and children were flourishing. I do believe I was one of the last generations, maybe one after me, of our people to be born of our kind before it happened... Families just stopped giving birth you see... I was only small I didn't understand the politics behind it all... But I do understand them now. And when vampire business falls on my doorstep I see we mustn't be impassive because you might lead your people straight to us. If may do that Sir Alexander just know King Fionn isn't the name, you will betray it is me. Take that as you will. Have a good rest. I shall see you at dawn to part ways."

He gave no room for response and departed the way he entered. Pondering in thought I looked around the room observing my surroundings. The room wasn't like Valentina's spare room in her home, but it wasn't as bad as the palate Arianna had given me, so I could only be grateful. The walls were small and rounded and there were only two candles lighting the room. The bed was up against the back wall, and it looked decent. There was a nice rug in the center that had a tree designed in it that was gold and the trim was green. There was one small desk in the room.

I went to bed and lay there for a few moments and tried closing my eyes and resting for a bit. Unfortunately, my stimulated braid didn't want to sleep it just kept drifting back to Prince Hamish and his introduction. What stood out to me the most was he said there were no more children. I didn't have the privilege to go to any towns so I wouldn't have known that. It had me wondering how deep these scars had gotten in the world.

Before I knew it my feet were planted on the floor on their way to the door before my mind even thought of it. Entering the hallway, I saw two small guards standing near the stairway entry point. Both were in the armor of silver that had the family crest on the chest. Not minding them, I found the door Valentina had entered and knocked lightly on it.

"It's me, Alexander," I had mumbled through the door. On the other side, I heard shuffling and then footsteps that were coming closer.

"I'm coming," Valentina, had replied while making it to the door and opening it for me. She opened the door fully offering me entry. "Come on in," she smiled.

I returned the smile with a grin and my fingers ran through my hair instinctively. "I think for this night we should abide by our generous host rules. I believe he did say something to the effect of if we are unmarried, I am not able to enter your room." I smiled playfully.

Her smile turned to a dimpled one and her cheeks set aflame with warm blood that sent chills down my spine. The scent of her would always be the most intoxicating perfume. "I do believe you are right," she said as she closed the door slightly with her still behind it.

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