Chapter Eleven

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It was like all time and space stopped in that moment and I fell to the floor. All I could feel is a trillion stings piercing my body. Every inch of skin felt like it was aflame with fire. My consciousness was slipping away as each moment past.

For an instant through the pain, I felt a sense of peace enter my body, but the sensation was fleeting. When it had disappeared, I had briefly opened my eyes with a gasp. With clear vision, I saw a black mist that had an outline of a face mere inches away from mine. Before I had time to respond it had reached its hand into my chest and pulled out a ball of light.

When the light had ripped out of my body it was like I was ripped out of it. I couldn't explain the sensation. All I know is I saw myself laying down in a fetal position on the floor. I could hear my tormented screams escape out my lungs. Watching myself on the floor I felt everything. However, it was duller where I was.

I looked around the room and noticed I didn't see Lord Draco; however, I could hear him in my ear whispering. I could feel someone running their hands through my curls trying to soothe my cries. I couldn't see anything in this room other than my body.

I felt my presence being pulled to the opposite direction of the room. I turned to see what it was, and it was the same murky mist as before. "What do you want with me?" I asked as it continued to pull me.

The mist remained quiet. With its other arm, it extended its hand and clawed a rip into the air. The space that was ripped glowed a deep blue. It was almost if it was electricity separating. Without hesitation, the mist pulled us through the entry.

The surroundings around us morphed into another castle. I could tell it wasn't the same because of the styling for it more elegant and grander. The first was just mediocre in comparison.

We had arrived in the corridor inside of the home. My eyes fled upward towards the ceiling and back down to the floor. The palace was three flights high with it being wide in width too. Every wall was filled with hand oiled paintings of battles and leaders. A diamond chandelier was in the center of the room and the light the shine out of it was dim. However, every jewel that was there sparkled with a rainbow at every angle. Everything was very unison in colour; it was drenched with gold and a deep blues.

I also noticed a family crest that was stitched into a long curtain. It was in the far back wall. The curtain itself stretched itself to the height of the room. In the middle of the fabric was an image. There was a flower bloomed in the middle with a crown in gold. It was inside of a reef circle that a triangle went through. It also extended at the bottom into a V-shape that had other flowers and vines that went through it. Under the image read Eari.

I turned my attention to the figure once I processed my surroundings. It looked at me for a moment and walked into the directions of the stairs.

I followed quickly after it. We had almost approached the top of the stairs when I heard a scream of sheer horror coming from one of the rooms on this flight.

"What was that?" I asked it.

There was no response from it, however, the mist started speeding up. It took us through a few halls until we came across a room that's door was busted open.

When I entered the first thing, I saw was a woman in a night slip facing a baby crib. The second thing I noticed was two maids' bodies laid limply in a pool of blood on the floor with their jugulars ripped out.

The woman that was facing the crib was crying tremendously. Her body was shaking at an irritate speed. I was surprised she didn't hear me when I had entered.

She then turned around towards the door directly at me. The expression on her face was unbearably miserable. She looked like she had been beaten up. Nonetheless, I thought I had been caught. However, she didn't react to my presence. It was like she didn't know of my existence. I turned around myself to see what she was looking at.

"Victor," she had moaned in agony.

"What is wrong Eliza," He had questioned coming into the room examining her appearance He passed the bodies that had laid on the floor and went directly to her coddling her head in his hands.

"Someone took my baby," she had shrieked breaking down. She fell to the floor instantly. Victor scooped up Eliza from what looked like instinct. "I want him back. I don't care how he was made he was mine."

Victor placed his hand on the back of Eliza's head and kissed her forehead trying to comfort her. "I will do everything in my power Eliza to bring back your son." To her and me Victor sounded sincere.

I looked over to the mist for the first time since we entered the room. "Why are you showing me this?" I asked finally realizing what I was seeing.

This was the night my mother discovered I was gone. The night the King tried to have me killed.

"I don't want to see this," I yelled at the mist walking away out the room.

I couldn't escape her cries. When I left my mother's, cries started to become louder. It echoed into my head like a melody. Victor's false promises to her kept ringing as well.

The mist followed me out of the room and stopped me in my tracks. It did as it did before but instead of my chest, it had dug his hand into my back pushing something back inside of me.

I felt a swoosh of energy pull me back into what felt like solidness. The first thing I felt once I got back was the intense pain that I felt before. My body stung as if a million bees were stinging me.

I could feel that I was laying down in a different position than before. My legs were straight, and my back was ridged. But underneath it felt soft.

It could have been hours that had past of me aware but able to feel everything. I wasn't sure, however, once the pain did subside, I felt a rush of cold air flow over my body. It was like someone letting out a fire. Once it was over, I opened my eyes.

Slowly I looked over to my side and I saw a smiling Valentina sitting right beside me, "Happy birthday," She whispered.

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