"I was River"

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I saw a truly beautiful girl 

Who showed me the fence of the world 

Even the shining sun was amazed 

As she left my forehead with salt glazed

I was once a river flowing so free 

Now I'm a river with no place to be 

I couldn't even look at my own reflection 

As those who liked me lost all affection

Oh God, please punish the one who betrayed 

And left my salty forehead dismayed 

I gave love to a flower, it blossomed bright 

I gave love to beauty, only to lose my sight

I told a friend my secret, he sold it in greed 

Why did they commit such a sinful deed? 

I didn't know the pain of many beauties 

Until I was left with my own heart's casualties

Mother, don't cry for your son's fate 

I was once bad, but now I contemplate 

I'd rather die without being such a man 

Than live with a salty forehead, as I can't stand

But as a river, I still flow so much 

People still like me, as I keep in touch 

With the ones who truly love and care 

I fly in the sky, with laughter in the air....

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