"Your headlight"

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Is this the salt on my forehead, dear? 

In your presence, everything feels so unclear. 

I come to you with all sorts of excuses, 

But why am I here? What's the real use?

My heart refuses to listen to reason, 

Neither saying yes nor saying no this season. 

Your enchanting eyes drive me crazy, 

And the scent of basil lingers, hazy. 

"Your headlight," I'm mesmerized.

Sweating under the scorching sunlight, 

I find myself waiting, clinging to the wall's height. 

Whether it comes or not, uncertain, 

I indulge in forty-five ice creams, certain.

I'm a merchant for your captivating black eyes, 

Speechless and spellbound, my soul flies. 

Your magic eyes drive me crazy, 

And once again, I sense the aroma of basil, hazy. 

Your headlight, a beacon in my mind.

Oh Farangiz, why do you flee? 

If I walk in patched pants, let it be. 

What's wrong with my unique attire? 

Farangiz, my love for you burns like fire. 

Muah, I love you, baby.

My heart is scattered, my soul is everywhere, 

Boundless love beyond space and time to share. 

"I love you, baby, Farangiz, muah"! 

Echoing through eternity, our love's applause.

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