Echoes of Truth

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You have yet to become a man of worth, 

Lying idle won't bring your ambitions forth. 

If I were to speak frankly, you'd grow upset, 

Unaware that my words are aimed at you, bet.

For now, it's but snow that covers the land, 

Bliss your sole companion, no sorrows in hand. 

Those close to you today, tomorrow disappear, 

Fake friends surround you, insincere.

In moments of solitude, as you lie down, 

Listen attentively, let this song resound.

The world isn't kin or a familiar face, 

Look upward always, or you'll lose your grace. 

Step outside, take in the view so vast, 

In this cocktail of humanity, you're drowning fast.

I dislike it, my words may seem blurred, 

Standing beside me, you're barely endured. 

Adultery seems ceaseless, your desire akin to heaven, 

Crying before your parents, you've brought them shame.

As your head collides with the unforgiving wall, 

Do you recall my words, resonating like a call?

The world isn't kin or a familiar face, 

Look within your heart, not to your parents' embrace.

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