In the Depths of Sorrow

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A poem born from anguish, each line soaked in pain, 

Unbelievable, every word echoes sadness' strain. 

Restless nights, tears staining my weary eyes, 

As I penned this poem, longing within me lies.

Songs composed with every verse a sorrowful plea, 

It stole my lover, this ailment, this misery. 

The dream has vanished, my dear, with his scent and grief, 

Enamored merely by the radiance of her smile, oh what a relief.

Her name resonates through the fibers of my words, 

I soared in the heavens as she gracefully stirred. 

A heart burdened with anguish finds no voice, 

My heart yearns for recompense, but God's will is the choice.

Slowly, my glasses grow heavy, causing pain, 

I used to say, "It's never too late, my heart, don't refrain." 

I was a pen that ran out of ink, no more words to spill, 

Our days blend into the night, a somber, relentless chill.

Farangiz, a soul like yours will not grace this earth anew, 

A maiden with such beauty, rare and true. 

No writer's creation can rival your allure, 

God bless you with eternal beauty, pure.

Was it all a dream, did my hopes dissipate? 

Oh, how I long for you, my heart's ultimate fate.

"Chronicles of the Mind"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon