Chapter 7: That Was Close

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I turned around quickly

Sophía- Oh umm... I went to the bathroom then I saw this room and I just wanted to look around

He looked at me

Lo'ak- Huh, ok? Well let's go

We left and I needed to get these materials back to the lab

That Night

I saw everyone was asleep, I snuck out of the village and went back to my lab

Sophía- I got it!

Cassandra- You did! Good job! Now we need you to go do it like 6 more times

Sophía- What!?

Cassandra- One shot of the cure isn't gonna work Sophía! We need multiple!

I sighed

Sophía- Ok

Cassandra- And if you don't get it in time, we'll just go do it ourselves! I'm sure Mr Sully won't mind if we raid his little lab! *She smirked*

Sophía- I'll do it! Don't worry!

Cassandra- Then go!

I left and went back to the village

Lo'ak- Where'd you go?

Sophía- Oh ummm... I went... to see my friend

I smiled

Lo'ak- Oh, ok well come to bed, I'm tired

He held out his hand and I grabbed it and we went and laid down and he wrapped his arms around me

Lo'ak- I love you Sophía!

Sophía- I love you too Lo'ak!

We fell asleep

The Next Day

I got up and Lo'ak was still sleeping, I went in the lab and got more materials, I don't know how much longer I can do this without getting caught, I went back to my lab and dropped it off

Sophía- Here!

Cassandra- Thank you!

Sophía- Yup!

Cassandra- You need to do it 5 more times

I rolled my eyes

Sophía- I know how to count!

Cassandra- What is wrong with you!?

Sophía- Nothing!

Cassandra- Oohh I see

Sophía- What?

Cassandra- It's that boy! Isn't it!?

Sophía- No

Cassandra- Hmm, is he... becoming a distraction? Hm?

Sophía- No!

Jordan- His names Lo'ak! He's the son of Jake Sully or Toruk Makto of the Omatikaya

Cassandra- Lo'ak! Well if this... Lo'ak is distracting you from doing your job then maybe I'll just take care of him too!

Sophía- No! I'll get it 5 more times! I will!

Cassandra- You better! I don't want anyone's blood on my hands! *She hissed*

I nodded and left

Neteyam- Hey! You ok?

Sophía- Yeah! I'm fine!

Neteyam- You sure?

I nodded

Jordan- I thought we only needed one shot?

Cassandra- We do! But I don't give a fuck about her sister! She can die for all I care!

Jordan- Then why are you having her go get more!?

Cassandra- So then I can lie and say she didn't do what I wanted and then I can do it myself and take over their clan!

I woke up in my human body

They turned around

Cassandra- Did you get more!?

I shook my head

Cassandra- Ugh! You're useless! I'm just gonna do it!

She walked away and left and I couldn't let her get there first! I got back in my avatar

Neteyam- Sophía!? What was that!?

Sophía- I'm an avatar driver but I have to get back to your clan to warn your people!

Neteyam- About what!?

Sophía- I don't have time to explain!

I got up and went to their clan

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