Chapter 8: Truth

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Me and Neteyam ran to his clan

Neteyam- Mother! Father!

Jake&Neytiri- Yes?

Sophía- You and your clan are in danger!

Jake- Why!?

Sophía- Look... I was sent here to-

I fell to the ground, my sync got disconnected

"A Na'vi in a false body!"

They went and put their dagger to my throat but Lo'ak ran and pushed them off and guarded my body hissing then I woke up in my human body

Sophía- What the hell!?

Cassandra- You crossed the line!

She hit me the head then locked me up they left and I saw someone walk in and unlock the door


Sophía- Thank you!

I left and went to Norms lab

Sophía- I need a sync now!

Trudy- Why!?

Sophía- I don't have time to explain just please!

She nodded and I got in the machine and I woke up in my avatar but in a different spot

Sophía- Neteyam? Lo'ak?

I didn't see them then I saw Lo'ak

Lo'ak- What happened!?

Sophía- I need to get back!

He led me back to their clan

Jake- What were you saying?

I took a deep breath

Sophía- Look... I was sent here to learn your ways, to get your trust... To get medical supplies from your lab for a cure

Jake- So you're a driver?

I nodded and he looked at his mate

Neytiri- You lied to us!

Sophía- I know and I'm sorry! I really am!

Jake- How are we in danger?

Sophía- My general is gonna raid your lab and get it herself and probably destroy you guys

Lo'ak- So? You lied this whole time?

Sophía- Lo'ak...

Lo'ak- What was we had apart of your plan too!?

I tried going to him but he backed up

Sophía- No! It wasn't! Lo'ak... please!

Lo'ak- I trusted you!

Sophía- Trust me now please!

Lo'ak- Fmawn!

Sophía- Please!

He backed up and went behind his dad

Jake- Sophía... what did you need the cure for?

Sophía- My sister... she's sick with a virus... if she doesn't get the cure she's gonna die!

Jake sighed

Jake- We will help you

Lo'ak- Are you insane! She lied to us! Are we really gonna trust her!?

He gave me the death glare

Jake- She needs our help

Lo'ak- Well you can leave me out of it! Who knows what else she's lying about!

He looked at me up and down and left, I didn't blame him, I know he's hurt then I heard ships...

"Fmawn" means "Never" in Na'vi

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